
0 下载量 116 浏览量 更新于2024-04-16 收藏 170KB DOC 举报
The dissertation titled "The Study of Improving Competitive Strategies of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by E-commerce" explores the impact of e-commerce on SMEs and the strategies that can be employed to enhance their competitiveness. In the increasingly connected world of today, the application of e-commerce is crucial for SMEs to improve their market competitiveness. The study emphasizes the significance of SMEs understanding the importance of e-commerce, strategically planning for its long-term implementation, and progressively deepening its application levels. It also highlights the need for SMEs to undergo enterprise process reengineering, adopt effective employee training programs, recruit talent wisely to build human capital, and leverage third-party service platforms and alliances to enhance their overall e-commerce competitiveness. E-commerce, as an innovative economic operational mode, presents SMEs with a transformative opportunity. The widespread coverage of the internet has made the influence of e-commerce on SMEs undeniable. The application of e-commerce plays a critical role in enhancing market competitiveness for these enterprises. Therefore, SMEs should fully recognize the importance of e-commerce, strategically plan for its long-term implementation, progressively deepen its application levels, strive to achieve enterprise process reengineering, opt for effective employee training programs, rationally introduce talent, build human capital, and effectively utilize third-party service platforms and alliance advantages to enhance the overall e-commerce competitiveness of SMEs. Keywords: E-commerce; Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs); Competitiveness.