Particularly thorough, careful, and thoughtful reviews of drafts were provided by
Tom Cargill, Peter Deutsch, Paul Hilfinger, Masayuki Ida, David Moon, Steven
Muchnick, Charles L. Perkins, Chris Van Wyk, Steve Vinoski, Philip Wadler,
Daniel Weinreb, and Kenneth Zadeck. We are very grateful for their extraordinary
volunteer efforts.
We are also grateful for reviews, questions, comments, and suggestions from
Stephen Adams, Bowen Alpern, Glenn Ammons, Leonid Arbouzov, Kim Bruce,
Edwin Chan, David Chase, Pavel Curtis, Drew Dean, William Dietz, David Dill,
Patrick Dussud, Ed Felten, John Giannandrea, John Gilmore, Charles Gust, Warren
Harris, Lee Hasiuk, Mike Hendrickson, Mark Hill, Urs Hoelzle, Roger Hoover,
Susan Flynn Hummel, Christopher Jang, Mick Jordan, Mukesh Kacker, Peter
Kessler, James Larus, Derek Lieber, Bill McKeeman, Steve Naroff, Evi Nemeth,
Robert O'Callahan, Dave Papay, Craig Partridge, Scott Pfeffer, Eric Raymond, Jim
Roskind, Jim Russell, William Scherlis, Edith Schonberg, Anthony Scian, Matthew
Self, Janice Shepherd, Kathy Stark, Barbara Steele, Rob Strom, William Waite,
Greg Weeks, and Bob Wilson. (This list was generated semi-automatically from
our E-mail records. We apologize if we have omitted anyone.)
The feedback from all these reviewers was invaluable to us in improving the
definition of the language as well as the form of the presentation in this book. We
thank them for their diligence. Any remaining errors in this book - we hope they
are few - are our responsibility and not theirs.
We thank Francesca Freedman and Doug Kramer for assistance with matters of
typography and layout. We thank Dan Mills of Adobe Systems Incorporated for
assistance in exploring possible choices of typefaces.
Many of our colleagues at Sun Microsystems have helped us in one way or another.
Lisa Friendly, our series editor, managed our relationship with Addison-Wesley.
Susan Stambaugh managed the distribution of many hundreds of copies of drafts to
reviewers. We received valuable assistance and technical advice from Ben Adida,
Ole Agesen, Ken Arnold, Rick Cattell, Asmus Freytag, Norm Hardy, Steve Heller,
David Hough, Doug Kramer, Nancy Lee, Marianne Mueller, Akira Tanaka, Greg
Tarsy, David Ungar, Jim Waldo, Ann Wollrath, Geoff Wyant, and Derek White.
We thank Alan Baratz, David Bowen, Mike Clary, John Doerr, Jon Kannegaard,
Eric Schmidt, Bob Sproull, Bert Sutherland, and Scott McNealy for leadership and
We are thankful for the tools and services we had at our disposal in writing
this book: telephones, overnight delivery, desktop workstations, laser printers,
photocopiers, text formatting and page layout software, fonts, electronic mail,
the World Wide Web, and, of course, the Internet. We live in three different