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本文以模拟电路为核心,采用MSP430F149单片机与DDS模块相结合的方法,通过对DDS集成芯片AD9851的控制,设计了受控正弦信号发生器,实现了赛题要求的基本功能。系统由电流接收器、电流变送器、单片机控制模块、DDS信号发生电路、LCD显示模块、A/D转换模块、信号调理电路、二线式V/I变换电路等组成。输出频率和各种调制方式由可调电阻设置,并通过LCD显示。本系统有效地利用MSP430F149单片机的片内资源,将数字电路与模拟电路高效地融合,配合自动控制算法,实现了题目的基本要求和部分的拓展要求。关键词:正弦信号发生器;MSP430F149;DDS;数模转换;二线式V/I变换。AbstractThis paper presents the design of a program-controlled sinusoidal signal generator, with an emphasis on the integration of analogue and digital circuits using the MSP430F149 microcontroller in combination with a DDS module. The system is composed of a current receiver, current transmitter, microcontroller control module, DDS signal generator circuit, LCD display module, A/D conversion module, signal conditioning circuit, and a two-wire V/I conversion circuit. The output frequency and various modulation methods are set by adjustable resistors and displayed on an LCD. The system effectively utilizes the on-chip resources of the MSP430F149 microcontroller, efficiently integrating digital and analogue circuits, and, in conjunction with automatic control algorithms, meets the basic requirements of the task and some of its expansion requirements. Keywords: sinusoidal signal generator; MSP430F149; DDS; analog-to-digital conversion; two-wire V/I conversion.
112 浏览量
485 浏览量
2022-06-27 上传

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