
需积分: 5 36 下载量 195 浏览量 更新于2023-12-20 2 收藏 23.9MB PDF 举报
The COMSOL User Manual (English version) provides a comprehensive guide to using the COMSOL software. It covers various aspects such as the interface, modeling techniques, and simulation processes. However, since it is in English, it may require translation for non-English speaking users. The manual is a valuable resource for engineers, researchers, and students who wish to utilize the capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics for their projects and studies. For those who need assistance or have inquiries regarding the software, the Contact COMSOL page at www.comsol.com/contact provides access to general inquiries, technical support, and contact information. Alternatively, users can visit the Worldwide Sales Offices page at www.comsol.com/contact/offices for details about COMSOL offices and contacts worldwide. Contacting technical support can be done through an online request form located at the COMSOL Access page at www.comsol.com/support/case. Users can submit their queries and issues for prompt assistance from the support team. Additionally, the Support Center and other useful links are available to provide further resources and guidance for using the COMSOL software effectively. In summary, the COMSOL User Manual serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and utilizing the capabilities of the COMSOL Multiphysics software. Users can access various forms of support and assistance through the Contact COMSOL page, Worldwide Sales Offices page, and COMSOL Access page, ensuring a smooth and effective experience with the software. With its detailed explanations and instructions, the manual is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to harness the power of COMSOL for their engineering, scientific, and technical projects.