1.1. Mo del-based Reasoning 17
Fig. 4. Posteriors of real Facebook and Wikipedia Captchas. Conditioning on each Captcha, we show an approximate posterior produced by a set of weighted
importance sampling particles {(w
synthetic data generative model sets an empirical cornerstone
for future theory that quantifies and bounds the impact of
model mismatch on neural network and approximate inference
Tuan Anh Le is supported by EPSRC DTA and Google
(project code DF6700) studentships. Atılım G
unes¸ Baydin and
Frank Wood are supported under DARPA PPAML through
the U.S. AFRL under Cooperative Agreement FA8750-14-2-
0006, Sub Award number 61160290-111668. Robert Zinkov
is supported under DARPA grant FA8750-14-2-0007.
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Figure 1.1:
Posterior uncertainties after inference in a probabilistic programming
language model of 2017 Facebook Captchas (reproduced from Le et al. (2017a))
P (X|Y ) arrived at by conditioning reflects this uncertainty.
By this simple example, whose source code appears in Chapter 5 in
a simplified form, we aim only to liberate your thinking in regards to
what a model is (a joint distribution, potentially over richly structured
objects, produced by adding stochastic choice to normal computer pro-
grams like Captcha generators) and what the output of a conditioning
computation can be like. What probabilistic programming languages
do is to allow denotation of any such model. What this tutorial cov-
ers in great detail is how to develop inference algorithms that allow
computational characterization of the posterior distribution of interest,
increasingly very rapidly as well (see Chapter 7).
1.1.2 Conditioning
Returning to our simple coin-flip statistics example, let us continue and
write out the joint probability density for the distribution on
The reason to do this is to paint a picture, by this simple example, of
what the mathematical operations involved in conditioning are like and
why the problem of conditioning is, in general, hard.
Assume that the symbol
denotes the observed outcome of the
coin flip and that we encode the event “comes up heads” using the
mathematical value of the integer 1 and 0 for the converse. We will
denote the bias of the coin, i.e. the probability it comes up heads, using