
需积分: 48 103 下载量 152 浏览量 更新于2023-12-21 收藏 10.49MB PPT 举报
The download service provides access to the latest version of the Huawei network equipment network icon library. This library includes icons for various network components such as access network, optical network, data communication, core network, wireless, terminals, storage and network security, business and software, products and solutions, Hisilicon, supporting facilities, public icons, and network cloud icons. The library is regularly updated to include icons for new products and to address any missing icons. The library is available in two color sets, navy blue and gold. The icons are intended for internal use and are to be used by marketing personnel to create presentation materials. Additionally, a custom Visio template file is available for use in drawing network diagrams in research and development documentation. The library is managed by the icon library manager, who can be contacted for any inquiries or suggestions for new icons. Overall, the library provides a comprehensive collection of icons for use in network diagrams and presentations, serving as a valuable resource for Huawei employees.