402 Page 4 of 18 Eur. Phys. J. C (2019) 79 :402
To build dilepton candidates the tracks were separated into
electrons and muons using the energy loss measured by the
TPC, such that:
1. the quadratic sum of the normalised deviation from the
corresponding Bethe-Bloch expectation for the positive
and negative track had to be less than 16;
2. the rapidity, measured in the laboratory frame, of the
dilepton candidate, formed by the 4-vector sum of the
two tracks with the corresponding mass hypothesis, had
to be in the range |y| < 0.8.
In addition, the events had to
3. have no signal in V0 as determinedbythe offline decision,
4. no signal in either of the neutron ZDCs.
3.2 Event and track selection for the semi-backward and
semi-forward analyses
The events used in the semi-backward and semi-forward
analyses fulfilled the following criteria.
1. They fired the corresponding trigger.
2. There was exactly one track reconstructed with the TPC
and the ITS.
3. This track fulfilled similar requirements to those for the
central analysis tracks, with two modifications: it had
to be compatible with a muon (within 4σ ) according to
the energy-loss measurement, and the acceptance was
enlarged to |η| < 1.1.
4. Furthermore, the distance of closest approach of thistrack
to the nominal interaction point had to be less than 15 cm
in the direction along the beam-line.
5. The event also had to have exactly one track in the muon
spectrometer such that:
(a) the track is matched to a trigger track above the p
(b) the radial coordinate of the track at the end of the
front absorber (R
) was required to be in the range
17.5 cm < R
< 89.5 cm;
(c) it had a pseudorapidity in the range −4.0 <η<
−2.5(−3.7 <η<−2.5) in the p–Pb (Pb–p) period
and fulfilled the so called p×DCA requirement.
The p×DCA requirement uses the difference in
the distributions for signal and beam-induced back-
ground in the ( p, DCA) plane, where p is the track
momentum and DCA is the distance between the
interaction vertex and the track extrapolated to the
vertex transverse plane. If in a given event no inter-
action vertex was found, the point (0, 0, 0) was used
to calculate the distance of closest approach. The
pseudorapidity ranges are different in p–Pb and Pb–p
owing to the additional V0C trigger requirement (see
Sect. 2.4).
6. The two tracks had to have opposite electric charge.
7. The rapidity, measured in the laboratory frame, of the
dimuon candidate, formed by the 4-vector sum of the two
tracks with the muon-mass hypothesis, had to be in the
range 1.2 < y < 2.7 for the p–Pb and −2.5 < y < −1.2
for the Pb–p sample, respectively.
8. In addition, the events had to have no signal in V0A, at
most one cell with a signal in V0C, (in both cases as
determined by the offline reconstruction), no signal in
either of the neutron ZDCs and at most one tracklet in
the SPD layers.
3.3 Selection of background samples
Several background samples, one for each analysis, were
selected. The events in these samples satisfy the condi-
tions listed in the previous sections, and in addition there
is required to be a signal, compatible with the presence of
a neutron, in the ZDC placed in the proton direction. Both
like-sign and opposite-sign dilepton candidates are accepted.
These samples are highly efficient to tag dissociative pro-
cesses (where the target proton breaks up) and other hadronic
collisions and were used to build templates to subtract the
remaining background in the real data samples as explained
below. As the trigger suppresses events with higher p
tons (p
≥ 0.5GeV/c), due to the condition on azimuthal
separation, the number of events in this p
range is limited.
Therefore, each background spectrum was used to gener-
ate a high statistics sample, which was smoothed to pro-
duce the final template. This is referred to as “non-exclusive
background” in the analysis of the p
spectrum. The selec-
tions and smoothing algorithms were varied to estimate the
systematic uncertainties, and the background p
was verified independently by selecting hadronic activity in
V0C instead of the ZDC.
3.4 Monte Carlo samples
The STARLIGHT Monte Carlo generator [27,28] was used
to generate large samples for the following processes: exclu-
sive J/ψ photoproduction off proton (γ p → J/ψp) and
Pb (γ Pb → J/ψPb) targets, exclusive photoproduction
of ψ(2S) decaying into J/ψ + X, and continuum dilep-
ton production γγ → l
. The physics models used by
STARLIGHT are described in [28–30]. All generated events
were passed through a full simulation of the detector based
on GEANT 3 transport code [31] and subjected to the same
analysis chain as real data. The Monte Carlo tookintoaccount