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"《渗透测试与壳代码》是一本由Hamza Megahed所著的专业书籍,专门探讨在网络层和操作系统级别的漏洞检测、利用以及安全防护。这本书在2018年由Packt Publishing出版,版权受到保护,未经许可不得复制、存储或以任何形式传播,除非用于嵌入在批评性文章或评论中。作者和出版社对书中提供的信息尽力确保准确性,但不承担因信息错误导致的直接或间接损害的责任。 本书涵盖了Shellcode技术在渗透测试中的核心应用,Shellcode是一种小型可执行代码片段,常用于攻击者利用系统漏洞进行远程控制或权限提升。它主要关注网络漏洞利用技术,如缓冲区溢出攻击(Buffer Overflow Attack),通过将恶意Shellcode注入到目标程序的内存中,从而实现攻击目标。读者可以从中学习如何设计、分析和实施有效的渗透测试策略,以及如何防范此类攻击。 作者Vijin Borich担任了本书的委派编辑,表明这本书不仅提供了理论知识,还可能包含实用的工具和技术演示,适合对网络安全感兴趣的渗透测试人员、安全研究员以及开发人员深入理解系统安全的深层次工作。 为了确保阅读体验,此资源的PDF版本经过了多个软件的兼容性测试,包括FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox,确认可以正常打开。如果你发现任何版权问题,应直接联系上传者或通过CSDN平台进行处理,以尊重版权法规。对于更详尽的内容和实战案例,读者可以参考美国亚马逊官网的原著详情,获取专业且全面的渗透测试与Shellcode技术指南。"
2018-08-09 上传
Hands-On Penetration Testing on Windows pdf 页数:454 来源: https://itbooks.ctfile.com/fs/18113597-302639985 Master the art of identifying vulnerabilities within the Windows OS and develop the desired solutions for it using Kali Linux. Book Description Windows has always been the go-to platform for users around the globe to perform administration and ad hoc tasks, in settings that range from small offi ces to global enterprises, and this massive footprint makes securing Windows a unique challenge. This book will enable you to distinguish yourself to your clients. In this book, you'll learn advanced techniques to attack Windows environments from the indispensable toolkit that is Kali Linux. We'll work through core network hacking concepts and advanced Windows exploitation techniques, such as stack and heap overflows, precision heap spraying, and kernel exploitation, using coding principles that allow you to leverage powerful Python scripts and shellcode. We'll wrap up with post-exploitation strategies that enable you to go deeper and keep your access. Finally, we'll introduce kernel hacking fundamentals and fuzzing testing, so you can discover vulnerabilities and write custom exploits. By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed in identifying vulnerabilities within the Windows OS and developing the desired solutions for them. What You Will Learn Get to know advanced pen testing techniques with Kali Linux Gain an understanding of Kali Linux tools and methods from behind the scenes See how to use Kali Linux at an advanced level Understand the exploitation of Windows kernel drivers Understand advanced Windows concepts and protections, and how to bypass them using Kali Linux Discover Windows exploitation techniques, such as stack and heap overflows and kernel exploitation, through coding principles Authors Phil Bramwell Phil Bramwell acquired the Certified Ethical Hacker and Certified Expert Penetration Tester certifications at the age of 21. His professional experience includes Common Criteria design reviews and testing, network security consulting, penetration testing, and PCI-DSS compliance auditing for banks, universities, and governments. He later acquired the CISSP and Metasploit Pro Certified Specialist credentials. Today, he is a cybersecurity and cryptocurrency consultant and works as a cybersecurity analyst specializing in malware detection and analysis.