31.4 How to Use This Book
Overall, the book guides readers through an applied exploration of the major
methods of multivariate data analysis, as seen through the eye of an ecologist.
Starting with some exploratory approaches (Chap. 2), it proceeds logically with the
construction of the key building blocks of most techniques, i.e. association measures
and matrices (Chap. 3), and then submits example data to three families of approaches:
clustering (Chap. 4), ordination and canonical ordination (Chaps. 5 and 6), and finally
spatial analysis (Chap. 7). The aims of methods thus range from descriptive to
explanatory and to predictive and encompass a wide variety of approaches that should
provide readers with an extensive toolbox that can address a wide palette of questions
arising in contemporary multivariate ecological analysis.
1.4 How to Use This Book
The book is meant as a companion when working at the computer. The authors
pictured a reader studying a chapter by reading the text and simultaneously executing
the code. To fully understand the various methods, it is preferable to go through the
chapters sequentially, since each builds upon the previous ones. At the beginning of
each chapter, an empty R console is assumed to be open. All the necessary data files,
the scripts used in the chapters, as well as the R functions and packages that are not
available through the CRAN Web site, can be downloaded from a Web page acces-
sible through the Springer Web site (http://www.springer.com/978-1-4419-7975-9).
Some of the homemade functions duplicate existing ones, providing alternative solu-
tions (for instance, different or expanded graphical outputs), while others have been
written to streamline complex sequences of operations.
Although the code provided can be run in one single copy-and-paste shot within
each chapter (with some rare exceptions for interactive functions), the best proce-
dure is to proceed through the code slowly and explore each set of commands
carefully. Although the use and meaning of some arguments is explained within
the code or in the text, readers are warmly invited to use and abuse of the R help
files (function name following a question mark) to learn about and explore the
various options available. Our aim is not to describe all options of all functions,
which would be an impossible and useless task. We are confident that an avid user,
willing to go beyond the provided examples, will be kept busy for months exploring
the options that he or she deems the most interesting.
Within each chapter, after the introduction, readers are invited to import the data
for the exercises, as well as the R packages necessary for the whole chapter. The
R code used in each chapter is self-contained, i.e. it can be run in one step without
resorting to intermediate results produced in previous chapters. If such objects are
needed, they are recomputed at the beginning of the chapter.
In everyday use, one generally does not produce an R object for every single
operation, nor does one create and name a new graphical window for every plot. We
do that in the R scripts to provide readers with all the entities necessary to backtrack
the procedures, compare results and explore variants. Therefore, after having run