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The purpose of this project is to design and simulate a parallel output controller (POC) that serves as an interface between the system bus and a printer. The project was completed by a group of students from the School of Information Science and Engineering at Southeast University in March 2019. The project requirements included using Xilinx Vivado for simulation and referencing William Stallings' book "Computer Organization and Architecture." The parallel output controller was designed to facilitate data transfer between the system bus and the printer, ensuring efficient communication and printing functionality. The group members, Wencheng Qiu and Jialong Xue, worked collaboratively to analyze the specifications and requirements for the POC, as well as to implement the design and conduct simulations using Xilinx Vivado. The project involved a detailed study of computer organization and architecture principles, focusing on the design and implementation of the POC. The team considered factors such as data transfer protocols, memory organization, and processing units to ensure optimal performance of the controller. Through the design and simulation process, the group members gained valuable experience in system design, functional simulation, and performance evaluation. They were able to apply theoretical knowledge from their studies to real-world applications, further enhancing their understanding of computer organization and architecture. Overall, the successful completion of the parallel output controller project demonstrated the students' ability to effectively design and simulate complex systems for practical applications. The project not only showcased their technical skills and knowledge but also reinforced the importance of collaboration, problem-solving, and attention to detail in the field of computer science and engineering.