JWDD071-Siriwongpairat September 5, 2007 12:50
In Chapter 1 we provide an introduction to UWB communications. In this chapter
we present a comprehensive overview of UWB radios and review the historical
development of UWB. Then we discuss the advantages, challenges, and applications
of UWB technology.
In Chapter 2 we describe the characteristics of UWB channels and establish a
mathematical channel model for the analysis in subsequent chapters.
Chapter 3 provides an overview of UWB single-band approaches. In this chapter we
describe the signal modeling and transceiver design of single-band approaches. Then
we derive the bit-error-rate performance of single-band UWB systems. Performance
analysis is provided for both single- and multiple-antenna UWB systems.
Chapter 4 is an overview of the multiband OFDM approach. In this chapter we
provide the fundamental background for the multiband OFDM approach used in
subsequent chapters.
In Chapter 5 we extend the multiband OFDM approach to a multiple-antenna
system. In this chapter we first describe a multiple-input multiple-output coding
framework for UWB multiband OFDM systems. We show that a combination of
space–time–frequency coding and hopping multiband OFDM modulation can fully
exploit all of the available spatial and frequency diversities inherent in UWB envi-
In Chapter 6 we analyze the performance of UWB multiband OFDM systems under
realistic UWB channels. We characterize pairwise error and outage probabilities in
UWB multiband OFDM systems, based on the multipath-clustering phenomenon
of UWB channels. The analysis is first provided for single-antenna systems, then
extended to multiantenna systems.
Chapter 7 extends the performance analysis in Chapter 6 to a more practical sce-
nario. Specifically, we provide a performance analysis of multiband OFDM systems
that not only captures the characteristics of realistic UWB channels, but also takes
into consideration the imperfection of frequency and timing synchronization and the
effect of intersymbol interference.
In Chapter 8 we introduce a differential UWB scheme as an alternative approach
that bypasses channel estimation and provides a good trade-off between performance
and complexity in UWB communications systems. We review a basic concept of
differential OFDM, then describe a differential multiband OFDM system and ana-
lyze its performance. Both single- and multiantenna differential UWB systems are
In Chapter 9 we present a power-controlled channel allocation scheme for multi-
band OFDM systems. The scheme allocates subbands and transmitted power among
UWB users to minimize overall power consumption. This allows a UWB multiband
OFDM system to operate at a low transmitter power level while still achieving the
performance desired.
In Chapter 10 we introduce cooperative communications in UWB systems to
enhance the performance and coverage of UWB by exploiting the broadcasting nature
of wireless channels and cooperation among UWB devices. The principal concept of
cooperative communications is presented, and then it is applied to multiband OFDM