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Deep Adversarial Domain Adaptation Model
for Bearing Fault Diagnosis
Zhao-Hua Liu , Member, IEEE, Bi-Liang Lu, Hua-Liang Wei , Lei Chen, Xiao-Hua Li, and Matthias Rätsch
Abstract—Fault diagnosis of rolling bearings is an essential
process for improving the reliability and safety of the rotating
machinery. It is always a major challenge to ensure fault diag-
nosis accuracy in particular under severe working conditions. In
this article, a deep adversarial domain adaptation (DADA) model
is proposed for rolling bearing fault diagnosis. This model con-
structs an adversarial adaptation network to solve the commonly
encountered problem in numerous real applications: the source
domain and the target domain are inconsistent in their distribu-
tion. First, a deep stack autoencoder (DSAE) is combined with
representative feature learning for dimensionality reduction, and
such a combination provides an unsupervised learning method to
effectively acquire fault features. Meanwhile, domain adaptation
and recognition classification are implemented using a Softmax
classifier to augment classification accuracy. Second, the effects
of the number of hidden layers in the stack autoencoder network,
the number of neurons in each hidden layer, and the hyperpa-
rameters of the proposed fault diagnosis algorithm are analyzed.
Third, comprehensive analysis is performed on real data to vali-
date the performance of the proposed method; the experimental
results demonstrate that the new method outperforms the exist-
ing machine learning and deep learning methods, in terms of
classification accuracy and generalization ability.
Index Terms—Adversarial network, bearing, deep learning,
deep neural networks, domain adaptation (DA), fault diagnosis,
feature extraction, machine learning, stack autoencoder (SAE),
unsupervised learning.
OLLING bearings are widely used in industrial system,
such as wind turbine, aeroengines, and high-speed
railways, and it usually plays a pivotal role in their
functioning [1]–[4]. However, these devices often work with
Manuscript received May 15, 2019; accepted July 18, 2019. This work was
supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grant 61503134 and Grant 61573299, in part by the Hunan Provincial Hu-
Xiang Young Talents Project of China under Grant 2018RS3095, and in part
by the Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
2018JJ2134. This article was recommended by Associate Editor G. Nicosia.
(Corresponding author: Zhao-Hua Liu.)
Z.-H. Liu, B.-L. Lu, L. Chen, and X.-H. Li are with the School of
Information and Electrical Engineering, Hunan University of Science and
Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China (e-mail:;;;
H.-L. Wei is with the Department of Automatic Control and Systems
Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, U.K. (e-mail:
M. Rätsch is with the Image Understanding and Interactive Robotics
Group, Reutlingen University, 72762 Reutlingen, Germany (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2932000
heavy loads or under some severe environments (e.g., high
speed, high humidity, high temperatures, variable speed, etc.),
which makes rolling bearings prone to fault attacks. The
high failure rate of rolling bearings also increases the oper-
ation and maintenance costs. Moreover, the cases in which
the potential faults of rolling bearings are not detected, there
would be a high risk exists of the breakdown of the entire
equipment [5]–[10]. Therefore, it is always desirable and
necessary to diagnose potential rolling bearing faults in time.
In the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 era,
large amounts of real-time data have been collected from
the device-monitoring systems. The data, together with mod-
ern data mining techniques, makes it possible to effectively
mine features and diagnose faults using artificial intelli-
gence methods, such as support vector machine (SVM) [11],
artificial neural network (ANN) [12], [13], stack autoen-
coder (SAE) network [14], and deep belief network (DBN)
[15], [16]. For example, Jiang et al. [13] proposed an approach
for rolling bearing fault identification using multilayer deep
convolutional neural network. Sun et al. [14] designed an
intelligent bearing fault diagnosis method combining com-
pressed data acquisition and deep neural network architecture.
Chen and Li [15] presented a novel method to implement bear-
ing fault diagnosis utilizing the integration method of sparse
autoencoder (AE) and deep belief network. However, although
these intelligent fault diagnosis methods achieve good classifi-
cation performance in experimental testing, they do not exhibit
satisfactory performance when applied in practical applica-
tions, in which the classification accuracy is usually much
lower than that for test data. This can be explained from two
aspects as follows. First, these artificial intelligence methods
require a large amount of labeled data to train the model.
However, in many real applications, it is very expensive or
difficult, even not possible; to collect labeled training data that
has the same distribution as the test set. In conclusion, it is
difficult to collect sufficient labeled data and then train a reli-
able diagnosis model in engineering scenarios. Second, it is
assumed that the training data set and the test set of the
model are generated under the same working conditions in
the experimental testing. In other words, it is assumed that
all data obey the same distribution and possess the same fea-
ture space. In reality, however, during the operation of the
rotating machinery differ, the mechanical working conditions
vary, the signal acquisition methods are different, and the
mechanical workloads are varying. As a consequence, these
intelligent diagnosis methods have poor generalization abil-
ity in real application and, therefore, bring poor diagnostic
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