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Engineering machinery, with mobile cranes being the most representative. Mobile cranes are highly flexible and easy to operate, and they play a crucial role in national infrastructure construction by lifting objects to the required positions. This article focuses on the design of the hydraulic system for the supporting legs of Dongfeng Huashen operation vehicle, which can smoothly lift the vehicle, provide support, distribute the weight, and offer a stable working platform. The design includes two parts: the supporting leg structure design and the hydraulic system design. By familiarizing with the basic parameters of the vehicle, comparing various types of supporting legs, determining the selection of hydraulic supporting legs, calculating the stress analysis of the supporting legs under extreme conditions, analyzing the pressure calculation of three-point support, determining the structural dimensions of the supporting legs, constructing the three-dimensional model of the supporting legs using software such as CATIA and CAD, and analyzing the strength, stiffness, and performance parameters of the main components; in the hydraulic part, the size of the hydraulic cylinder needs to be determined based on its working pressure, analyzing the pressure calculation when three-point support is applied, calculating the strength and stiffness of the hydraulic cylinder, and designing the hydraulic circuit. Key words: hydraulic supporting leg; supporting leg structure; three-point support; hydraulic circuit; hydraulic cylinder.
- 粉丝: 85
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