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通过 the use of a single chip microcontroller with an AT89C51 chip as the core control unit, this paper presents the design of a LED electronic clock. The display is achieved through dynamic scanning, controlled by the AT89C51 microcontroller, and driven by a 7407 driver circuit. Light-emitting diodes are used as the display device. The clock is capable of displaying date, time, alarm, and countdown functions through six LED displays. These functions can be controlled using six buttons, which are also displayed on the 7-segment LED display. When the timer or alarm time is reached, the buzzer will automatically sound, but can be stopped by pressing the respective buttons. The software part of the clock is written in assembly language and is divided into sections for the alarm, delay, adjustment, and display. By combining hardware and software, the overall functionality of the clock is achieved.
Keywords: electronic clock, microcontroller, dynamic scanning, assembly language.
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