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资源摘要信息:"安捷伦N9020A信号分析仪的IVI-COM驱动程序" 在信息技术领域,仪器驱动程序扮演了极为关键的角色,尤其是在数据采集和信号处理等方面。本篇文章将详细解读有关安捷伦N9020A信号分析仪IVI-COM驱动程序的相关知识点。 首先,让我们从标题中的“driver_ivicom_ivic_matlab_AgilentSAn_1_2_23_0”着手。这里的“driver”指的就是“驱动程序”,它是用来使计算机软件能够与硬件设备进行通信的一种程序。在本例中,它是“AgilentSAn”,即安捷伦信号分析仪的驱动程序。数字“1_2_23_0”表示这是该驱动程序的特定版本号,*.*.**.*。IVI(Interchangeable Virtual Instrument)是虚拟仪器技术的标准之一,它允许软件和硬件之间通过标准化的接口进行交互,以实现更高的互操作性与可移植性。 紧接着,我们看到描述中提到的“安捷伦 n9020a 信号分析仪 IVI 仪器驱动程序驱动”,这里强调了“IVI 仪器驱动程序”,表明该驱动程序支持IVI标准,可以让N9020A分析仪与各类软件如LabVIEW, MATLAB等高效协同工作。 标签“N9020A”是安捷伦公司生产的一款高性能的信号分析仪,它的主要用途包括测量分析、信号监视、频谱分析等。在科研、无线通信、航空等领域有着广泛的应用。 文件名称列表中的“driver_ivicom_ivic_matlab_AgilentSAn_1_2_23_0.msi”提供了驱动程序的安装方式。MSI(Microsoft Windows Installer)是一种Windows操作系统下的软件安装包格式,它允许用户通过标准的Windows安装程序来安装和配置软件。 关于安捷伦N9020A信号分析仪IVI-COM驱动程序的详细知识点: 1. 安捷伦N9020A信号分析仪简介: 安捷伦N9020A信号分析仪是一种多功能、高性能的测试设备,广泛应用于无线通信和电子产品研发。它支持高达26.5 GHz的频率范围,具有低噪声、高精度的测量特性。设备具备高级的信号分析功能,可进行频谱分析、时域分析、数字调制分析等。 2. IVI-COM驱动程序的作用与优势: IVI-COM驱动程序是一种基于COM(Component Object Model)技术的驱动接口,它提供了一套标准化的API,使得不同的仪器能够以相似的方式被软件控制。通过IVI-COM驱动程序,用户可以更简单、更一致地开发测试程序,实现跨平台的兼容性,并且可以利用不同厂商的仪器进行自动化测试。 3. 安装与配置IVI-COM驱动程序: 安装驱动程序通常需要从制造商或第三方资源下载相应的安装包(如.msi文件)。安装过程涉及解压安装包、执行安装向导、配置设备和驱动等步骤。配置过程中可能需要设置仪器的地址(如GPIB、USB或LAN地址),并确认仪器与计算机之间的通讯正常。 4. MATLAB环境下的驱动程序应用: MATLAB是一款广泛应用于数值计算、数据可视化和算法开发的编程和仿真平台。在MATLAB中,通过IVI-COM驱动程序可以编写脚本或函数来控制N9020A分析仪。用户可以通过MATLAB编写代码,实时控制仪器,获取数据并进行数据分析和处理。 5. 驱动程序的更新和维护: 随着硬件和软件的不断升级,驱动程序也需要定期更新以支持最新的设备和功能。更新驱动程序通常需要访问官方网站下载最新的驱动版本,并按照安装指南进行升级。在维护过程中,确保驱动程序与操作系统、测试软件的兼容性非常重要。 总而言之,IVI-COM驱动程序在连接计算机与测量设备如安捷伦N9020A信号分析仪方面发挥着至关重要的作用。通过上述知识点的解析,可以全面了解该驱动程序的基本信息、安装、配置和应用等方面的内容。对于工程师和科研人员而言,掌握这些知识对于进行高效的仪器控制和数据获取是必不可少的。
2014-10-08 上传
Preface JavaScript (and its frameworks such as jQuery) and HTML (along with its style sheet language CSS) have become a ubiquitous presence in software development. Due to their monopoly position in web browsers, and the fact web browsers have spread from PCs to phones, tablets and TVs; this pervasiveness will continue to grow and grow. Despite their success, many software engineers are apprehensive about JavaScript and HTML. This apprehensiveness is not completely unfounded; both JavaScript and HTML were rushed in their early years, and driven by commercial rather than engineering interests. As a result, many dubious features crept into these languages. Due to backwards compatibility concerns, most of these features still remain. In addition, many software engineers have used these languages without ever learning them. JavaScript and HTML have low barriers to entry, and this, along with their similarity to other languages, led many software engineers to conclude that there really was nothing much to learn. If you have not used JavaScript and HTML for a number of years you may be surprised at what they now offer. Browser based web applications are now capable of matching or exceeding the sophistication and scale of traditional desktop applications. In order to create complex web applications however, it is essential to learn these languages. This book takes the point of view that once you have a strong grasp of the fundamentals, the details will take care of themselves. It will not present you with long lists of APIs, or intricate details of every attribute, these can be found in reference manuals. It will focus on the details of each language that are fundamental to understanding how they work. I hope this book helps you discover the elegance and beauty of JavaScript and HTML, and makes you think differently about what can be achieved with these languages. October, 2013