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Single-chip microcontrollers have become a crucial component in the development of embedded control systems, playing a pivotal role in the advancement of various fields such as technology, electronics, communication engineering, automotive industry, and industrial applications. The design of a simple calculator using the STM32 microcontroller as the core controller highlights the versatility and practicality of this technology. Having recently familiarized myself with the STM32 development board, I embarked on a project to create a calculator using this advanced microcontroller. Calculators have become an indispensable tool in numerous aspects of our daily lives, from scientific calculations to basic arithmetic for everyday tasks. Thus, the decision to undertake this project as my graduation design was driven by the desire to test my understanding of the STM32 board and evaluate my practical skills. By utilizing components such as microcontrollers, LCD screens, touchscreens, and FSMC, I meticulously studied and applied each device to successfully complete my graduation project.
Keywords: STM32, microcontroller, touchscreen, calculator.
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