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"PHP Microservices--2017" 在《PHP Microservices》这本书中,作者Carlos Pérez Sánchez和Pablo Solar Vilariño深入探讨了如何将传统的单体架构转型为高可用性、可扩展且容错性强的微服务架构。这本书主要针对PHP开发者,旨在帮助他们掌握微服务开发的关键技术和实践。 首先,你将学习如何设置一个有效的开发环境,选择合适的策略和工具。这通常涉及到版本控制系统、自动化构建工具、集成开发环境(IDE)以及用于协作和代码质量管理的平台,如Git、Docker、Jenkins和GitHub等。 接下来,书中会介绍应用设计和结构的基础,这是实现微服务架构的前提。理解模块化和分层设计原则,以及如何将业务功能拆分为独立的服务,对于成功地实施微服务至关重要。 书中还详细讲解了如何将一个庞大的单体应用拆分成多个微服务。这个过程可能涉及领域驱动设计(DDD)、事件驱动架构以及服务间通信技术,如RESTful API、gRPC或消息队列(如RabbitMQ或Kafka)。 测试在微服务开发中扮演着关键角色。你将学习到如何采用TDD(测试驱动开发)和BDD(行为驱动开发)方法,以及如何编写集成测试和端到端测试来确保每个微服务的质量和稳定性。 监控是确保微服务正常运行的关键。书中会涵盖日志记录、指标收集(如Prometheus和Grafana)以及分布式追踪系统(如Jaeger或Zipkin),这些工具帮助开发者识别和解决性能问题。 错误处理和调试也是重要部分,书中会讨论如何设计健壮的错误处理机制,以及如何利用调试工具(如Xdebug)进行问题定位。 最后,部署到生产环境和解决常见问题也是实践中的挑战。你将了解持续部署流程、容器化(Docker和Kubernetes)以及如何应对负载均衡、服务发现和故障恢复等问题。 一旦微服务架构上线并运行,如何根据需求进行水平扩展是另一个主题。书中将讨论如何通过增加实例、使用负载均衡器和数据库复制等手段来提高系统的扩展性。 总而言之,《PHP Microservices》涵盖了从理论到实践的全貌,是PHP开发者转型到微服务架构的宝贵资源,它提供了全面的知识和实践经验,助你在构建现代化、可扩展的Web应用时少走弯路。
2017-04-02 上传
PHP Microservices by Carlos Perez Sanchez English | 29 Mar. 2017 | ASIN: B01MQGB212 | 392 Pages | AZW3 | 4.91 MB Key Features Build your own applications based on event-driven microservices and set them up on a production server. Successfully transform any monolithic application into a microservice. Monitor the health of your application, prevent downtime, and reduce costs. Book Description The world is moving away from bulky, unreliable, and high-maintenance PHP applications, to small, easy-to-maintain and highly available microservices and the pressing need is for PHP developers to understand the criticalities in building effective microservices that scale at large. This book will be a reliable resource, and one that will help you to develop your skills and teach you techniques for building reliable microservices in PHP. The book begins with an introduction to the world of microservices, and quickly shows you how to set up a development environment and build a basic platform using Docker and Vagrant. You will then get into the different design aspects to be considered while building microservices in your favorite framework and you will explore topics such as testing, securing, and deploying microservices. You will also understand how to migrate a monolithic application to the microservice architecture while keeping scalability and best practices in mind. Furthermore you will get into a few important DevOps techniques that will help you progress on to more complex domains such as native cloud development, as well as some interesting design patterns. By the end of this book you will be able to develop applications based on microservices in an organized and efficient way. You will also gain the knowledge to transform any monolithic applications into microservices. What you will learn Set up a development environment using the right strategies and tools. Learn about application design and structure to start implementing your application. Transform a monolithic application into microservices. Explore the best way to start implementing your application using testing. Understand how to monitor your microservices, handle errors, and debug the application. Deploy your finished application into a production environment and learn how to solve common problems. Know how to scale your application based on microservices once it is up–and-running. About the Author Carlos Perez Sanchez is a backend web developer with more than 10 years of experience in working with the PHP language. He loves finding the best solution for every single problem on web applications and coding, looking to push forward the best practices for development, ensuring a high level of attention to detail.He has a bachelors degree in computer engineering from the University of Alicante in Spain, and he has worked for different companies in the United Kingdom and Spain. He has also worked for American companies and is currently working for Pingvalue. You can connect with him on LinkedIn at Pablo Solar Vilarino is a software developer who became interested in web development when PHP 4 started becoming a popular language. Over the last few years, he has worked extensively with web, cloud, and mobile technologies for medium-to-large companies and is currently an e-commerce developer at NITSNETS. He has a passion for new technologies, code standards, scalability, performance, and open source projects. Pablo can be approached online at Table of Contents What are Microservices? Development Environment Application Design Testing and Quality Control Microservices Development Monitoring Security Deployment From Monolithic to Microservices Strategies for Scalability Best Practices and Conventions Cloud and DevOps