differences in the turbine efficiency map may cause sig.nificant differences, in.the s.h_'t,tin_._ g. of the
engine. The extreme sensitivity of the engine start taming to small vanauons m mrome emcaency
may have profound significance for our ability to accurately model the start of new engines for
which detailed component test data is not yet available. This issue is discussed in greater detail in
Appendix C.
4.2 Combustion and Heat Transfer Modeling Results
4.2.1 Enhanced combustion _as properties
The ROCETS code (Referenc_ 9) was originally developed with a built-in set of hydrogen/oxygen
combustion tables. These tables provided gas thermal and transport properties at a specified
pressure, temperature and mixture ratio. Many of the calculations in these tables involved applying
corrections to more basic tables and assumed ideal, isentropic gas behavior. A comparison of the
property table output with the NASA CET93 one-dimensional-equilibrium (ODE) code (Reference
10) indicated some significant discrepancies. The original tables have therefore been replaced with
data tables generated specifically for the RL10A-3-3A model using the CET93 code. CET93 was
used to determine the equilibrium-composition hot-gas properties at several axial locations along
the length of the thrust chamber and nozzle.
Generating a complete set of tables for all conditions and expansion ratios proved to be more
difficult than expected. At the extreme limits of pressure and mixture ratio present during the RL10
start transient, the propellants may actually freeze as they expand through the nozzle, creating a
snow flurry at the engine discharge. Given the injector-face pressure, propellant mixture enthalpy
and mixture ratio, the pressure, temperature and enthalpy of the combustion products were
tabulated at several values of expansion ratio throughout the thrust chamber and nozzle. The other
thermal and transport properties required by the system model were tabulated as functions of
pressure, temperature and mixture ratio (and are not considered explicit functions of expansion
ratio). Table 4.2.1 gives the range of conditions and the expansion ratios included in the new
RL10 hot-gas property tables.
4.2.2 Cooling, Jacket Heat Transfer Model
In this projec-t, several approaches were explored for modeling the heat-transfer in the RL10A-3-
3A cooling jacket. These approaches included empirical models, first-principle physical models,
and several combinations of theory and test data. In this section, we describe only the analytic
approach selected for the final engine system model. The other methods which we considered are
discussed in greater detail in Appendix D.
Predicting heat transfer appears to be something.of an art. "ll_e orig.in_ jacket cooling model for
the RL10 steady-state model was based on test data alone aria was maaequam for predicting
transient heat transfer behavior. Subsequent cooling jacket models used in the RL10 system model
have been more sophisticated and scientific but also tend to be less accurate in reproducing test
data. Several expert sources have indicated that the state of the art in predicting heat transfer
behavior is +/- 20% accuracy (Reference 11). Greater accuracy was desired for the RL10A-3-3A
system model.
The detailed one-dimensional analysis was performed using the RTE (Reference 12) program
developed by NASA. RTE calculates hot-gas-side heat transfer based on the enthalpy gradient,
which predicts the variation of heat transfer coefficient with mixture ratio more accurately than
models based on temperature gradient. The RTE program also calculates the effects of tube
curvature on heat transfer to the coolant. The basic form of the equations used to predict heat
transfer are shown below.