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"D3.js By Example - Michael Heydt" 本书《D3.js By Example》由Michael Heydt撰写,旨在帮助读者通过实例学习如何使用D3.js创建吸引人的基于Web的数据可视化。D3.js(Data-Driven Documents)是一个强大的JavaScript库,它允许开发者结合数据与SVG、HTML和CSS来构建动态且交互式的图表和可视化效果。 D3.js的核心概念是数据绑定(data binding),它将数据与DOM(文档对象模型)元素关联起来,使得数据的变化能够实时反映在可视化图形上。书中可能涵盖了以下关键知识点: 1. **基础概念**:介绍D3.js的基本结构和工作流程,包括如何引入库,设置SVG画布,以及理解数据绑定和数据操作。 2. **选择集(Selections)**:D3.js的选择集机制是其核心特性之一,它使你可以方便地选择和操作DOM元素。书中会解释如何创建、修改和操作选择集。 3. **数据加载和转换**:学习如何加载CSV、JSON等数据格式,并进行预处理和转换,以适应可视化需求。 4. **基本图表制作**:涵盖常见的数据可视化图表,如条形图、饼图、线图和散点图的创建方法。 5. **交互性**:讲解如何添加鼠标事件监听器,实现图表的交互功能,如点击、悬停和缩放。 6. **布局(Layouts)**:D3.js提供了一些内置布局,如树状图布局、力导向图布局,帮助快速创建复杂的数据结构可视化。 7. **颜色管理**:讨论如何使用颜色编码数据,以及D3.js的颜色scale和调色板。 8. **动画和过渡**:学习如何创建平滑的动画和过渡效果,使数据可视化更具有吸引力。 9. **响应式设计**:介绍如何让D3.js图表适应不同屏幕尺寸,实现响应式布局。 10. **性能优化**:探讨如何减少重绘和提高大规模数据可视化的性能。 11. **最佳实践**:分享编写高效、可维护的D3.js代码的技巧和建议。 12. **案例研究**:书中可能会包含一些实际项目案例,展示D3.js在真实世界中的应用。 请注意,虽然本书尽力确保信息的准确性,但读者在实际使用时应根据具体情况检查和验证代码。此外,由于技术的快速发展,书中提到的某些库版本或API可能已经更新,因此在学习时应参考最新的D3.js官方文档。 《D3.js By Example》是一本实用的指南,适合对数据可视化感兴趣的前端开发者,无论你是初学者还是有一定经验的D3.js用户,都能从中受益。通过实例学习,读者将能够熟练掌握D3.js,创作出富有创意和功能性的数据可视化作品。
242 浏览量
Paperback: 280 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (February 1, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1785280082 ISBN-13: 978-1785280085 Key Features Learn to use the facilities provided by D3.js to create data-driven visualizations Explore the concepts of D3.js through examples that enable you to quickly create visualizations including charts, network diagrams, and maps Get practical examples of visualizations using real-world data sets that show you how to use D3.js to visualize and interact with information to glean its underlying meaning Book Description This book will take you through all the concepts of D3.js starting with the most basic ones and progressively building on them in each chapter to expand your knowledge of D3.js. Starting with obtaining D3.js and creating simple data bindings to non-graphical HTML elements, you will then master the creation of graphical elements from data. You'll discover how to combine those elements into simple visualizations such as bar, line, and scatter charts, as well as more elaborate visualizations such as network diagrams, Sankey diagrams, maps, and choreopleths. Using practical examples provided, you will quickly get to grips with the features of D3.js and use this learning to create your own spectacular data visualizations with D3.js. What you will learn Install and use D3.js to create HTML elements within the document Use development tools such as JSBIN and Chrome Developer Tools to create D3.js applications Retrieve JSON data and use D3.js selections and data binding to create visual elements from data Create and style graphical elements such as circles, ellipses, rectangles, lines, paths, and text using SVG Turn your data into bar and scatter charts, and add margins, axes, labels, and legends Use D3.js generators to perform the magic of creating complex visualizations from data Add interactivity to your visualizations, including tool-tips, sorting, hover-to-highlight, and grouping and dragging of visuals