"数据结构教学课件:第19讲 哈希查找 .pdf" - 基本原理和应用总结
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The lecture materials "Data Structure Teaching Courseware: Lecture 19 Hash Search .pdf" provide a detailed explanation of the concept of hash search in data structures. The basic idea behind hash search is to establish a deterministic correspondence between the storage address of a record and its key, so that the element can be retrieved in one access without the need for comparison.
The lecture introduces the concept of a hash table, which is a correspondence between the key set of records and the storage address set, known as the hash function. The hash function, also known as the hash function or hash function, is defined as the function that maps the key to its corresponding storage address. This concept is illustrated using an example of a population statistics table for 30 regions, where the key is the region's identifier. The construction of the hash function is demonstrated with the examples of using the region's name as the key and converting it into the serial number of the first pinyin letter.
The lecture further delves into the application of hash functions in creating a hash table, which is a table constructed by applying the hash function to the records' keys to determine their storage addresses. This process results in the formation of a hash table. Additionally, the lecture discusses the process of hash search, also known as hashing search, which utilizes the hash function to search for a record.
Overall, the lecture provides a comprehensive understanding of the concept of hash search and its application in data structures. Through the use of examples and explanations, it effectively conveys the importance of establishing a deterministic correspondence between the key and the storage address, thereby enabling quick and efficient retrieval of records without the need for comparison. This lecture serves as a valuable resource for students and professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of hash search in data structures.
2022-06-16 上传
2022-06-16 上传
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2022-06-12 上传
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