
0 下载量 121 浏览量 更新于2024-02-25 收藏 2.16MB DOCX 举报
The research on the solar-pumped laser based on the bottle-shaped pumping cavity aims to achieve a high-efficiency solar pumping system by designing a pumping cavity with low thermal shock and high light concentration. The TracePro software was used to establish the two-stage system of Fresnel lens and bottle-shaped pumping cavity. Through optimization, the best parameters such as entrance window diameter, entrance window position, exit window diameter, bottle waist diameter, bottle waist position, and crystal rod length were determined. The theoretical calculation shows that the pump threshold power for a 60 mm crystal rod is 4.568 W/m2, the output power of the optimized system is 18.21 W, and the focal length of the thermal lens is 31.0 cm. Comparing with the conical cavity, the axial temperature distribution curves of the crystal rod under the two cavity shapes were calculated. The results indicate that the bottle-shaped cavity has a significant advantage in reducing thermal shock and improving pump light uniformity. The optimized design in this paper provides new ideas for subsequent experiments. This research is crucial for the development of high-efficiency solar-pumped lasers and has laid a solid foundation for future research in this field.