Influence of channel layer and passivation layer on the stability
of amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors
Runze Zhan
, Chengyuan Dong
, Po-Tsun Liu
, Han-Ping D. Shieh
National Engineering Lab for TFT-LCD Materials and Technologies, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Department of Photonics & Display Institute, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
article info
Article history:
Received 29 September 2012
Received in revised form 14 May 2013
Accepted 15 May 2013
Available online xxxx
The electrical stability of amorphous InGaZnO (a-IGZO) TFTs with three different channel layers was
investigated. Compared with the single channel layer, the a-IGZO TFT with double stacked channel layer
showed the lowest threshold voltage shift with slightly change in field effect mobility and sub-threshold
swing under positive and negative gate bias stress tests. Moreover, sputtered SiN
thin film was served as
passivation layer where the V
shift in bias stress effect evidently became less. It was found that the pas-
sivated a-IGZO TFT with double stacked channel layer still exhibited the best stability. The results prove
that the stability of a-IGZO TFTs can be effectively improved by using double stacked channel layer and
passivation layer.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Amorphous oxide semiconductors especially amorphous InG-
aZnO (a-IGZO) are being used as channel materials in thin film
transistors(TFTs) for the applications of next generation active ma-
trix flat panel displays because of their advantages including high
mobility, room temperature deposition, excellent uniformity, high
flexibility, and good transparency to visible light, etc. [1]. Recently,
several prototype displays, such as high definition liquid crystal
displays (LCDs), active matrix (AM) flexible displays, and active
matrix organic light emitting diode (AMOLED) displays, with a-
IGZO TFTs used as driving circuits have been demonstrated [2,3].
Despite of the great progress in the device and process develop-
ment, the instability of a-IGZO TFTs is still a concern for their prac-
tical applications [3,4].
To produce good and stable TFTs, appropriate deposition condi-
tions for channel layer should be considered. For the n-type oxide
semiconductor, it is well known that oxygen plays an important
role in the properties of thin films and TFT devices [5–7]. For in-
stance, the electrical stability of a-IGZO TFTs with excess oxygen
in their active layers degrades due to the defects in the channel
layer/gate insulator layer interface and/or acceptor-like defects in
the bulk of channel layer [8,9]. Moreover, because of the instability
induced by ambient effect for the TFTs with exposed back channel,
passivation layer is usually used to improve the stability of oxide
semiconductor TFTs [10–12]. However, the effect of the passivation
process on the performance of channel layer from plasma damage
should be considered in depth.
In this work, the electrical stability of a-IGZO TFTs with three
types of channel layers was investigated. More specifically, we fab-
ricated a double stacked channel layer with different deposition
conditions and studied their influence on the performance of TFTs.
The bias stress effect for the TFTs was studied. Furthermore, TFTs
with a sputtered SiN
passivation layer was studied, and the corre-
sponding passivation effect was discussed.
2. Experimental
The TFTs with bottom gate staggered structure, as shown in
Fig. 1, were fabricated on the substrates of n-type silicon (Si) wa-
fers, which were also used as common gate. A 100-nm-thick SiO
layer was grown by thermal oxidation of Si wafer. The channel
layer and source/drain electrodes were patterned using shadow
masks. The fabricated TFTs had a channel length (L) of 200
and width (W) of 1000
m. As a channel layer, a-IGZO film was
deposited by RF magnetron sputtering using a target of polycrys-
talline In
:ZnO = 1:1:1, mol%) at room tem-
perature. A flow rate of 10 sccm for argon and different oxygen
flow rates were used to study the impact of channel layer on the
device performance. Three types of channel layers were studied:
for sample I, a-IGZO (Ar) thin film as channel layer was deposited
without oxygen, called as oxygen-poor IGZO film; for sample II, a-
) thin film was deposited with an oxygen flow rate of
2.0 sccm, called as oxygen-rich IGZO film; specially, for sample III
with a double stacked channel layer, 20-nm-thick oxygen-poor a-
IGZO(Ar) and 10-nm-thick oxygen-rich a-IGZO(Ar + O
) thin films
were served as the front and back channel layers, respectively.
The entire channel thickness for three types of TFTs was 30 nm.
In deposition the total pressure was fixed at 3 m Torr and the RF
0026-2714/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 21 34204371.
E-mail addresses: zhanrz@sjtu.edu.cn, zhanrz@hotmail.com (R. Zhan).
Microelectronics Reliability xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
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Please cite this article in press as: Zhan R et al. Influence of channel layer and passivation layer on the stability of amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors.
Microelectron Reliab (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.microrel.2013.05.007