
0 下载量 77 浏览量 更新于2024-02-23 收藏 4.72MB DOC 举报
The 21st century is an era of rapid development of information technology. With the rapid growth of the real estate industry, traditional management systems and models no longer meet the needs of current real estate management. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the real estate industry to adopt a management system using 21st century information technology to assist real estate workers in completing tasks. This paper is a study on the design and implementation of a real estate sales system based on .NET technology — the implementation of the sales management subsystem and its necessity. The paper first analyzes the significance and development trends of the real estate sales system in the current era, and proposes research questions on the feasibility of using .NET technology for development. The latest .NET 4.0 technology is utilized to develop the real estate sales system — the sales subsystem, and it is concluded that a real estate sales system based on .NET technology is achievable and of great significance in the current technological landscape. The paper provides a development example of the real estate sales system — the sales management subsystem based on .NET technology, and outlines the system's main functions which include property management, property purchasing management, and property renting management modules. Through this system, the issues of unclear management processes and efficiency in real estate sales management can be effectively solved. Additionally, by utilizing .NET technology for development, the paper also provides a great development approach for in-service personnel using .NET technology. The main keywords of this paper include .NET, ASP, and real estate sales system.