C# 5.0编程指南:从入门到高级

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《C# 5.0程序员参考手册》是一本详尽的指南,专为C# 5.0开发者设计,涵盖了从环境设置到高级主题的广泛内容。该书共分为五个主要部分,帮助读者深入了解C#语言及其生态系统。 **第一部分:C#生态环境** 这部分首先介绍了C#编程的基础,包括: 1. **C#环境**:详细解释了如何安装和配置C#开发工具,以及理解其在Windows平台上的角色。 2. **编写第一个程序**:引导新手通过简单的示例学习C#语法和控制结构。 3. **程序和代码文件结构**:阐述了如何组织代码文件,以便于管理和维护项目。 **第二部分:C#语言元素** 这部分深入剖析了C#的核心概念: 1. **数据类型、变量和常量**:介绍了C#中的基本数据类型,以及如何声明和操作变量和常量。 2. **运算符**:涵盖算术、比较、逻辑等不同类型的运算符及其用法。 3. **方法**:讲解方法的定义、调用、参数传递和返回值。 4. **程序控制结构**:涵盖了条件语句(if-else)、循环(for, while)和异常处理等内容。 5. **LINQ(Language Integrated Query)**:展示了如何使用 LINQ查询和操作集合,提升代码的简洁性和可读性。 6. **错误处理**:介绍错误处理机制,包括try-catch-finally语句和异常类。 7. **跟踪与调试**:提供了实用的调试技巧,帮助解决开发过程中的问题。 **第三部分:面向对象编程** 这部分是C#的核心,涉及: 1. **OOP概念**:概述面向对象编程思想,如封装、继承和多态。 2. **类和结构体**:区分类和结构体的使用场景,以及它们的特性和区别。 3. **命名空间**:理解命名空间的作用,如何组织和管理项目中的类库。 4. **集合类**:介绍了常用的集合类,如List、Dictionary等,以及它们的操作方法。 5. **泛型**:探讨泛型的原理和使用,实现类型安全的编程。 **第四部分:与环境交互** 这部分涉及应用层面的技术: 1. **打印**:讲解如何在C#中进行文本输出,包括控制台输出和文件操作。 2. **配置和资源**:指导用户如何管理和访问应用程序的配置信息,以及处理资源文件。 3. **流**:讨论文件输入/输出流、网络流和其他数据流的使用。 4. **文件系统对象**:介绍如何在C#中处理文件和目录操作,包括I/O和路径处理。 5. **网络编程**:提供基本的网络编程技术,如TCP/IP通信和Web服务。 **第五部分:高级主题** 这部分针对进阶开发者,包含: 1. **正则表达式**:深入理解正则表达式的使用,增强文本处理能力。 2. **并行编程**:探讨多线程和并行计算,提高程序性能。 3. **ADO.NET**:介绍了用于数据库访问的.NET框架,包括连接、查询和事务管理。 4. **XML**:详细讲解XML的语法、DOM和SAX解析,以及在C#中的应用。 《C# 5.0程序员参考手册》不仅适合初学者巩固基础知识,也适合有经验的开发人员查阅和扩展他们的技能,涵盖了C# 5.0语言的各个方面,为高效、优雅的编程提供了全面支持。
2014-04-30 上传
Editorial Reviews Stay ahead of the game with this comprehensive guide to the C# programming language Well-known C# expert Rod Stephens gives novice and experienced developers a comprehensive tutorial and reference to standard C#. This new title fully covers the latest C# language standard, C# 5.0, as well as its implementation in the 2013 release of Visual Studio. The author provides exercises and solutions; and his C# Helper website will provide readers and students with ongoing support. This resource is packed with tips, tricks, tutorials, examples, and exercises and is the perfect professional companion for programmers who want to stay ahead of the game. Author Rod Stephens is a well-known programming authority and has written more than 25 programming books covering C#, Java, VB, and other languages. His books have sold more than 60,000 copies in multiple editions. This book’s useful exercises and solutions are designed to support training and higher education adoptions. Learn the full range of C# programming language features Quickly locate information for specific language features in the reference section Familiarize yourself with handling data types, variables, constants, and much more Experiment with editing and debugging code and using LINQ Beginning through intermediate-level programmers will benefit from the accessible style of C# 5.0 Programmer’s Reference and will have access to its comprehensive range of more advanced topics. Additional support and complementary material are provided at the C# Helper website, www.csharphelper.com. Stay up-to-date and improve your programming skills with this invaluable resource. Table of Contents Part I: The C# Ecosystem Chapter 1: The C# Environment Chapter 2: Writing a First Program Chapter 3: Program and Code File Structure Part II: C# Language Elements Chapter 4: Data Types, Variables, and Constants Chapter 5: Operators Chapter 6: Methods Chapter 7: Program Control Statements Chapter 8: LINQ Chapter 9: Error Handling Chapter 10: Tracing and Debugging Part III: Object-Oriented Programming Chapter 11: OOP Concepts Chapter 12: Classes and Structures Chapter 13: Namespaces Chapter 14: Collection Classes Chapter 15: Generics Part IV: Interacting with the Environment Chapter 16: Printing Chapter 17: Configuration and Resources Chapter 18: Streams Chapter 19: File System Objects Chapter 20: Networking Part V: Advanced Topics Chapter 21: Regular Expressions Chapter 22: Parallel Programming Chapter 23: ADO.NET Chapter 24: XML Chapter 25: Serialization Chapter 26: Reflection Chapter 27: Cryptography Part VI: Appendices Appendix A: Solutions to Exercises Appendix B: Data Types Appendix C: Variable Declarations Appendix D: Constant Declarations Appendix E: Operators Appendix F: Method Declarations Appendix G: Useful Attributes Appendix H: Control Statements Appendix I: Error Handling Appendix J: LINQ Appendix K: Classes and Structures Appendix L: Collection Classes Appendix M: Generic Declarations Appendix N: Printing and Graphics Appendix O: Useful Exception Classes Appendix P: Date and Time Format Specifiers Appendix Q: Other Format Specifiers Appendix R: Streams Appendix S: Filesystem Classes Appendix T: Regular Expressions Appendix U: Parallel Programming Appendix V: XML Appendix W: Serialization Appendix X: Reflection Book Details Title: C# 5.0 Programmer’s Reference Author: Rod Stephens Length: 960 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Wrox Publication Date: 2014-04-28 ISBN-10: 1118847288 ISBN-13: 9781118847282