精通Node.js的REST API开发

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"REST API Development with Node.js 英文版" 本书深入探讨了使用Node.js进行REST API开发的主题,旨在帮助开发者充分利用REST开发的优势。作者Fernando Doglio在第二版中更新了内容,以帮助读者理解REST API开发的全貌。书中不仅提供了REST的基本背景知识,还介绍了REST提供的一些不太为人所知的工具。通过本书,读者将了解到Express、Restify、Vatican和Swagger等npm社区中维护的模块,并学习如何利用这些工具构建一个从头到尾的示例API。 本书的目标读者是想要全面掌握REST API开发的Node.js开发者,特别是初级和中级开发者,他们希望创建RESTful微服务。书中章节结构清晰,涵盖了REST基础、API设计最佳实践、Node.js与REST的结合、REST API架构、模块工作原理、规划REST API、开发REST API、测试API、生产环境部署以及故障排查等关键主题。 通过学习本书,读者将能够: 1. 理解REST原则和如何将其与Node.js相结合,创建出可扩展、技术无关且统一的接口。 2. 学习如何设计符合最佳实践的API,以便服务能被不同客户端轻松消费。 3. 掌握如何使用Node.js社区中的流行模块来增强REST API的功能。 4. 探索如何规划和构建一个完整的REST API,确保其稳定性和可靠性。 5. 学会测试API的方法,确保其功能正确无误。 6. 学习API的部署策略,了解如何将其顺利投入生产环境。 7. 了解在遇到问题时的故障排查技巧,以快速解决可能出现的问题。 书中的每一章都针对一个特定主题进行深入探讨,让读者逐步建立起对REST API开发的全面理解。通过实际操作,读者将能够在实践中巩固理论知识,从而成为更熟练的REST API开发者。对于希望提升自身在Node.js环境下构建高效、可靠REST API技能的开发者来说,这本书无疑是一本宝贵的参考资料。
2018-07-25 上传
These days, everyone is finding a new way to interconnect systems; the Internet of Things (IoT), for instance, is the new kid on the block, but who knows what will come later. The point is that in order to interconnect systems, as an architect, you’re better off using standard methods that allow for a faster adoption of your technology. In particular, APIs allow for the creation of standards and can work under known and well-tested core technologies like HTTP. If you add to that a well-defined style guide like REST, you’ve got yourself the means to create a scalable, technology-agnostic, and uniform interface for your services to be consumed by your clients. Welcome to REST API Development with Node.js. This book will cover REST, API development, and, finally, how these two mix up with Node.js. Starting from a theoretical point of view, you’ll learn how REST came to be, who created it, and its characteristics. Later, you’ll move toward the practical side by going over API development and the lessons that years of experience from the community have taught us. Finally, you’ll move into a fully practical approach, and you’ll see how Node.js and its modules can help create a RESTful API. You’ll also get a taste of what a real-world development flow would be like and what it would take to both test and deploy your code into a production environment. The final chapters will be 100% practical, going over a real-world example of a RESTful API developed in Node.js. I will cover everything from the requirement- gathering process, to tools selection, through actual development, and, finally, you’ll land in troubleshooting-land, where I’ll discuss the different things that can go wrong and how to tackle them. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the reading.