pandas: powerful Python data analysis toolkit, Release 0.18.0
3 -0.655969 0.193421
4 0.553439 1.318152
The new functionality works well in method chains. Previously these methods only accepted functions or dicts map-
ping a label to a new label. This continues to work as before for function or dict-like values.
Range Index
A RangeIndex has been added to the Int64Index sub-classes to support a memory saving alternative for common
use cases. This has a similar implementation to the python range object (xrange in python 2), in that it only
stores the start, stop, and step values for the index. It will transparently interact with the user API, converting to
Int64Index if needed.
This will now be the default constructed index for NDFrame objects, rather than previous an Int64Index. (GH939,
GH12070, GH12071, GH12109, GH12888)
Previous Behavior:
In [3]: s = pd.Series(range(1000))
In [4]: s.index
Int64Index([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999], dtype='int64', length=1000)
In [6]: s.index.nbytes
Out[6]: 8000
New Behavior:
In [13]: s = pd.Series(range(1000))
In [14]: s.index
Out[14]: RangeIndex(start=0, stop=1000, step=1)
In [15]: s.index.nbytes
Out[15]: 72
Changes to str.extract
The .str.extract method takes a regular expression with capture groups, finds the first match in each subject string, and
returns the contents of the capture groups (GH11386).
In v0.18.0, the expand argument was added to extract.
• expand=False: it returns a Series, Index, or DataFrame, depending on the subject and regular expres-
sion pattern (same behavior as pre-0.18.0).
• expand=True: it always returns a DataFrame, which is more consistent and less confusing from the per-
spective of a user.
Currently the default is expand=None which gives a FutureWarning and uses expand=False. To avoid this
warning, please explicitly specify expand.
In [1]: pd.Series(['a1', 'b2', 'c3']).str.extract('[ab](\d)', expand=None)
FutureWarning: currently extract(expand=None) means expand=False (return Index/Series/DataFrame)
but in a future version of pandas this will be changed to expand=True (return DataFrame)
1.1. v0.18.0 (March 13, 2016) 7