
需积分: 5 0 下载量 187 浏览量 更新于2024-04-13 收藏 843KB DOCX 举报
The IIBIT TP17 2012 ITECH3602/7602 project aims to develop an open-source web-based assignment submission system for IIBIT Adelaide. The Software Architectural Design Document outlines the requirements and design of the system, written by the NRSP group. The system's main objective is to create an efficient and user-friendly platform for students to submit their assignments online. The software architecture of the system consists of various components, including a user interface for students and professors to interact with the system, a database for storing assignment information, and a backend system for processing and managing submitted assignments. The system also incorporates features such as user authentication, file uploading, and notifications for assignment deadlines. The design document includes detailed descriptions of each component, outlining the technology stack and frameworks used, as well as the communication protocols and data flow between components. The system is designed to be scalable and reliable, with considerations for security and data privacy. Overall, the Software Architectural Design Document provides a comprehensive overview of the assignment submission system, detailing the functionalities, design decisions, and technical specifications. The system aims to streamline the assignment submission process for students and faculty members, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the education system at IIBIT Adelaide.