800-735-6200 Applications Engineering 1-800-927-9474 Rev. 1.2
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4. EMC Considerations
All switching power supplies generate potentially interfer-
ing signals as a result of high-frequency, high-power
switching. The Vicor power converter topology, to a large
extent, addresses the problem at the source by the use of
a quasi-resonant, zero-current switching (ZCS) and zero-
voltage switching (ZVS) topology. The switching current
waveform is a half sine wave that generates far less
conducted and radiated noise in both frequency spectrum
and magnitude. EMI filtering, if properly designed and
implemented, reduce the magnitude of conducted noise
an additional 40 – 60 dB, and as a result, the noise radiated
by the power conductors is reduced proportionally.
Conducted noise on the input power lines can occur as
either differential-mode or common-mode noise currents.
Differential-mode noise, largely at low frequencies, appears
across the input conductors at the fundamental switching
frequency and its harmonics. Common-mode noise, which
has mostly high-frequency content, is measured between
the converter’s input conductors and ground.
The Vicor power converter being an electronic device may
be susceptible to high levels of conducted or radiated
emissions. It is the responsibility of the user to assess
testing protocols in order to determine applicability of the
converter in the intended application.
1. Keep current loops small. The ability of a conductor to
couple energy by induction and radiation is reduced
2. For conductor pairs, use wide (low Z) copper traces
aligned above and below each other.
3. Locate filters at the source of interference; i.e., close
to the power converter(s).
4. Filter component values should be chosen with
consideration given to the desired frequency range of
attenuation. For example, capacitors are self-resonant
at a certain frequency, beyond which they look inductive.
Keep bypass capacitor leads as short as possible.
5. Locate components on the PCB with consideration
given to proximity of noise sources to potentially
susceptible circuits. For example, the FIAM is an input
line filter module that has been optimized for use
with Maxi, Mini, and Micro DC-DC converters. When
used in conjunction with the recommended external
components and layout, it will significantly reduce the
differential and common-mode noise returned to the
power source. The FIAM meets the requirements of
EN55022 “B”, FCC “B”, and Bellcore GR-001089-
CORE, Issue 2 when used with any combination of
Maxi, Mini, and Micro converters up to the FIAM’s
maximum rated current.
DC-DC converter inputs and outputs must be properly
bypassed, to system chassis or earth. Bypass Vin and Vout
pins to each DC-DC module baseplate. Capacitor lead
length must be as short as possible. (Figure 4–1)
EMI filtering can be application dependent. A packaged
filter module may not always be the appropriate solution,
and the general practice of bypassing Vin and Vout may
not produce optimal results. You may have to adjust the
values depending on the severity of common-mode and
differential-mode noise. (Figures 4–2 and 4–3)
Input transient suppression should be used in applications
where source transients may be induced by load changes,
blown fuses, etc. The level of transient suppression
required will depend on the expected severity of the tran-
sients. A Zener diode, TRANSORB™, or MOV will provide
transient suppression, act as a voltage clamp for DC input
spikes, and provide reverse input voltage protection. The
device voltage rating should be chosen above high-line
voltage limits to avoid conducting during normal
operation which would result in overheating.
Module shields that provide shielding around the belly
(label side) of the Maxi, Mini, Micro are also available for
applications that are highly noise sensitive. Module shield
information is available on the Vicor website, see links
provided, on the following page.