
需积分: 49 159 下载量 65 浏览量 更新于2024-01-31 6 收藏 725KB DOCX 举报
The STM32F334 digital power supply design is a significant advancement in the field of electronic engineering. This design incorporates detailed explanations and analyses of the functional modules of the PCB layout, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities. The abstract highlights the advantages of switching power supplies over traditional linear stabilized voltage supplies, including high efficiency, large output power, small size, light weight, and low cost. The continuous improvement of electronic component technology and the emergence of new components have further amplified the advantages of switching power supplies. Specifically, the DC-DC (direct current to direct current) converter, based on the BUCK circuit, has emerged as a critical area of research in switching power supplies. This article focuses on the design of a step-down DC-DC adjustable voltage switching power supply, where the ARM's new high-speed microcontroller, STM32F334, serves as the control core. This design includes signal acquisition circuits, BUCK circuits, control circuits, and power supply circuits. The article provides a detailed exposition of the principles of switching power supplies and various converter topologies. In particular, it emphasizes the principles of step-down DC-DC conversion and subsequently presents the overall circuit diagram in accordance with performance requirements. Each part of the circuit is carefully designed and analyzed. This innovative design can be widely utilized in high-integration electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smart robots, signifying its potential for widespread application. Key words: Switching Power Supply; DC-DC; STM32F334; BUCK circuit.