第 35 卷第 6 期
哈 尔 滨 工 程 大 学 学 报
Vol.35 №.6
2014 年 6 月
Journal of Harbin Engineering University
(海军工程大学 动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430033)
摘 要:针对螺旋桨、喷水推进器、风扇等旋转机械,研究了基于点源模型的旋转声源负载噪声频域预报方法。 结合点源
差,所有点声源声场的总和即为旋转声源的声场。 结合自由空间旋转点源和旋转力源声场仿真计算,验证了旋转声源离
doi:10.3969/ j.issn.1006-7043.201304020
网络出版地址:http:/ / www.cnki.net / kcms/ doi/ 10.3969/ j.issn.1006-7043.201304020.html
中图分类号: O42 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7043(2014)06-0719-06
Extended application of the point source model for
the acoustic field solution of the rotating source
FU Jian, WANG Yongsheng
(College of Marine Power Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China)
Abstract:In order to forecast the noise of circumvolve machines such as propellers, waterjets or pumps, the method
of the point source model is studied to predict the loading noise of the rotating source in the frequency domain. The
rotating source can be replaced by finite stationary sources distributing along the rotating trace, and the time differ-
ence between sources can be transformed into phase differences in the frequency domain. The sound field of the ro-
tating source is equal to the summation of all of the point sources. The veracity of the discretization method is vali-
dated by the freedom sound field simulation of the rotating point source and rotating force source. And the require-
ment of the number of discrete points of the rotating source with a different radius and frequency is analyzed. Final-
ly, taking the single propeller blade as the object, two discretization methods of blade rotating force are put forward.
One method is to take each acoustic mesh as a single force source, and the other method is to divide the blade into
segments and each segment can be taken as a single force source. The validity of these discretization methods has
been validated, which can provide the precondition for the extended application of the point source model for the
sound field calculation of the rotating source.
Keywords:point source model; rotating source; loading noise; discrete point number; discretization method
收稿日期: 2013-04-04. 网络出版时间:2014-05-14 15:48:54.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目( 51209212)
通信作者:付建,E-mail: fujain_hgd@ 163.com.
件(叶轮)噪声对应为旋转声源声场。 文献[1-4] 推
点源理论分析了管道内旋转声源声场的数值解。 本
1 旋转声源的离散方法
将每个旋转声源(点源或偶极源) 离散为沿旋