System Management BIOS Reference Specification Version 2.6 (Final)
DMTF Specification DSP0134 17 of 96 September 4, 2008
Memory Device (Type 17) One structure is required for each socketed system-memory device, whether or not
the socket is currently populated; if the system includes soldered system-memory,
one additional structure is required to identify that memory device.
Device Locator string is set to a non-null value. Memory Array Handle contains the
handle associated with the Physical Memory Array structure to which this device
belongs. Data Width, Size, Form Factor, and Device Set are all set to “known”
values. If the device is present (i.e. Size is non-zero), the Total Width field is not set
to 0xFFFF (Unknown).
Memory Array Mapped Address (Type 19) One structure is required for each contiguous block of memory addresses mapped
to a Physical Memory Array.
Ending Address is larger than Starting Address. Each structure’s address range is
unique and non-overlapping. Memory Array Handle references a Physical Memory
Array structure. Partition Width is non-zero.
System Boot Information (Type 32) The structure’s length is at least 0x0B, i.e. at least one byte of System Boot Status
is provided
3.3 Structure Definitions
Many of the enumerated values are shared between SMBIOS fields and Common Information Model (CIM) MOF
properties. The table that follows identifies the relationships; any additions to these enumerated lists should be
reflected in both documents by submitting change requests to mailto:wg-cimcore@dmtf.org
and mailto:wg-
pos@dmtf.org for the CIM-related and SMBIOS-related updates, respectively. Any other enumerated value
identified in this specification is controlled by this specification; change requests should be sent to mailto:wg-
See the SMBIOS CR Guide
for details on change request submission.
Name Section MOF Class.Property
Baseboard Originally, the base board feature flags mapped to CIM properties
CIM_PhysicalPackage.Removable. These properties are deprecated
and replaced with CIM_PhysicalPackage.RemovalConditions.
CIM_Card. RequiresDaughterCard
Enclosure or Chassis Type CIM_Chassis.ChassisPackageType
Processor Type CIM defines a CIM_Processor.Role property, which is a free-form
Processor Family CIM_Processor.Family
Processor Upgrade CIM_Processor.UpgradeMethod
System Cache Type CIM_AssociatedCacheMemory.CacheType
Cache Associativity CIM_AssociatedCacheMemory.Associativity
Slot Data Bus Width CIM_Slot.MaxDataWidth
Slot Current Usage CIM handles slot population more explicitly than SMBIOS or DMI, by
using a CIM_CardInSlot class to associate the card (CIM_Card) with
the slot (CIM_Slot) into which it is inserted.
Memory Array Location CIM handles memory location more specifically than SMBIOS or DMI,
by using a CIM_AssociatedMemory class to associate the memory
(CIM_Memory) with the device on which it is installed.
Memory Array Use CIM handles memory array use more specifically than SMBIOS or DMI,
by defining classes that inherit from CIM_Memory to define the specific
use — e.g. CIM_CacheMemory or CIM_NonVolatileStorage.
Memory Array Error
Correction Types CIM_Memory.ErrorMethodology CIM maps memory error correction
types into string values rather than enumerations.
Memory Device Form Factor CIM_PhysicalMemory.FormFactor is inherited from
CIM_Chip.FormFactor, and uses a different enumeration than SMBIOS.
Memory Device Type CIM_PhysicalMemory.MemoryType uses a different enumeration than
Memory Error Type CIM_MemoryError.ErrorInfo Values 0Ch-0Eh have no match in the
CIM_MemoryError.ErrorInfo property, instead they are reported via
CIM_MemoryError.CorrectableError (Boolean).