A Category-Level 3-D Object Dataset: Putting the Kinect to Work
Allison Janoch, Sergey Karayev, Yangqing Jia, Jonathan T. Barron, Mario Fritz, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell
UC Berkeley and Max-Plank-Institute for Informatics
{allie, sergeyk, jiayq, barron, saenko, trevor}@eecs.berkeley.edu, mfritz@mpi-inf.mpg.de
Recent proliferation of a cheap but quality depth sen-
sor, the Microsoft Kinect, has brought the need for a chal-
lenging category-level 3D object detection dataset to the
fore. We review current 3D datasets and find them lack-
ing in variation of scenes, categories, instances, and view-
points. Here we present our dataset of color and depth
image pairs, gathered in real domestic and office environ-
ments. It currently includes over 50 classes, with more
images added continuously by a crowd-sourced collection
effort. We establish baseline performance in a PASCAL
VOC-style detection task, and suggest two ways that in-
ferred world size of the object may be used to improve de-
tection. The dataset and annotations can be downloaded at
1. Introduction
Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in avail-
able 3-D sensing techniques due to advances in active depth
sensing, including techniques based on LIDAR, time-of-
flight (Canesta), and projected texture stereo (PR2). The
Primesense sensor used on the Microsoft Kinect gaming
interface offers a particularly attractive set of capabilities,
and is quite likely the most common depth sensor available
worldwide due to its rapid market acceptance (8 million
Kinects were sold in just the first two months).
While there is a large literature on instance recogni-
tion using 3-D scans in the computer vision and robotics
literatures, there are surprisingly few existing datasets for
category-level 3-D recognition, or for recognition in clut-
tered indoor scenes, despite the obvious importance of this
application to both communities. As reviewed below, pub-
lished 3-D datasets have been limited to instance tasks, or
to a very small numbers of categories. We have collected
and describe here the initial bulk of the Berkeley 3-D Ob-
ject dataset (B3DO), an ongoing collection effort using the
Kinect sensor in domestic environments. The dataset al-
ready has an order of magnitude more variation than previ-
Figure 1. Two scenes typical of our dataset.
ously published datasets. The latest version of the dataset is
available at http://www.kinectdata.com
As with existing 2-D challenge datasets, our dataset has
considerable variation in pose and object size. An impor-
tant observation our dataset enables is that the actual world
size distribution of objects has less variance than the image-
projected, apparent size distribution. We report the statistics
of these and other quantities for categories in our dataset.
A key question is what value does depth data offer for
category level recognition? It is conventional wisdom that
ideal 3-D observations provide strong shape cues for recog-
nition, but in practice even the cleanest 3-D scans may re-
veal less about an object than available 2-D intensity data.
Numerous schemes for defining 3-D features analogous to
popular 2-D features for category-level recognition have
been proposed and can perform in uncluttered domains. We
evaluate the application of HOG descriptors on 3D data and
evaluate the benefit of such a scheme on our dataset. We
also use our observation about world size distribution to
place a size prior on detections, and find that it improves
detections as evaluated by average precision, and provides
a potential benefit for detection efficiency.