"IMBIn Moding BendPPT学习教案.pptx技术及应用综述"
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In the presentation "IMBIn Moding BendPPT Study Lesson", new technology in in-mold forming (IMB) is introduced. This technology includes various product series such as IML/IMB, each with specific features and applications. The IMBIn Moding BendPPT study lesson highlights the key characteristics of different products, such as thickness, performance, and applications.
One of the product series mentioned in the presentation is the BND1 series, which includes products with different thicknesses and key features. For example, the BND1-TS/TH products have good performance at a reasonable price and are suitable for printing on MTS and housing. Another product in this series, the BND1-TU, is known for high cosmetic quality with a haze level below 0.5% and a TL percentage above 93%. These products are commonly used for MP and flat lens applications.
Another product series discussed in the presentation is the EMB1 series, with products like EMB1-TS and EMB1-TY. These products are characterized by high forming capabilities and are suitable for MTS and housing applications. The EMB1-TY product specifically has low rainbow effects, making it ideal for housing with a lens.
The ES1 series, which includes products like ES1-TS, is also mentioned in the presentation. These products have high forming capabilities, with a thickness of less than 8mm and a hardness of 1H. They are commonly used in IMB applications.
Overall, the IMBIn Moding BendPPT study lesson provides a comprehensive overview of the different product series within the IMB technology, highlighting their key features, thicknesses, and applications. This new technology in in-mold forming offers a wide range of options for manufacturers looking to enhance their product quality and performance.
139 浏览量
865 浏览量
2022-07-15 上传

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