Deep Blind Hyperspectral Image Fusion
Wu Wang
, Weihong Zeng
, Yue Huang
, Xinghao Ding
, John Paisley
Fujian Key Laboratory of Sensing and Computing for Smart City,
School of Information Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, China
Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
wangwu@stu.xmu.edu.cn, zengwh@stu.xmu.edu.cn
huangyue05@gmail.com, dxh@xmu.edu.cn, jpaisley@columbia.edu
Hyperspectral image fusion (HIF) reconstructs high spa-
tial resolution hyperspectral images from low spatial res-
olution hyperspectral images and high spatial resolution
multispectral images. Previous works usually assume that
the linear mapping between the point spread functions of
the hyperspectral camera and the spectral response func-
tions of the conventional camera is known. This is unre-
alistic in many scenarios. We propose a method for blind
HIF problem based on deep learning, where the estimation
of the observation model and fusion process are optimized
iteratively and alternatingly during the super-resolution re-
construction. In addition, the proposed framework enforces
simultaneous spatial and spectral accuracy. Using three
public datasets, the experimental results demonstrate that
the proposed algorithm outperforms existing blind and non-
blind methods.
1. Introduction
Hyperspectral image (HSI) analysis has a wide range of
applications for object classification and recognition [13, 9,
33, 17], segmentation [22], tracking [23, 24] and environ-
mental monitoring [18] in both computer vision and remote
sensing. While HSI facilitates these tasks through informa-
tion across a large number of spectra, these many additional
dimensions of information means that the potential spatial
resolution of HSI systems is severely limited compared with
RGB cameras. HIF addresses this challenge by using the
jointly measured high resolution multispectral image (HR-
MSI)—often simply RGB—to improve the low resolution
HSI (LR-HSI) by approximating its high resolution version
Generally, most state-of-the art methods formulate the
Corresponding author
(a) gt (b) HySure (c) Ours
Figure 1: The 31st band of a reconstructed high resolu-
tion hyperspectral image (HR-HSI) with unknown spectral
response function. (a) ground-truth HR-HSI, (b) result of
HySure [20], (c) our result.
observation model through the linear functions [28, 7, 20]
Y = XBS,
Z = RX,
where X is the HR-HSI, Y is the LR-HSI and Z is the HR-
MSI. The linear operators B and S perform the appropriate
transformations to map X to the measured values; B repre-
sents a convolution between the point spread function of the
sensor and the HR-HSI bands, S is a downsampling opera-
tion, and R is the spectral response function of the multi-
spectral imaging sensor. The spectral response functions
and point spread functions are often assumed to be at least
partly known. A common way to learn X is through opti-
mizing an objective function of the form
kY − XBSk
+ λ
kZ − RXk
+ λ
ϕ(X), (3)
where the first and second terms enforce agreement with
the data and the third term is a regularization [12, 15, 6, 7].
However, this assumed relationship between X,Y,Z is not
always true, and because the information available about the
sensor is incomplete, it is unknowable [26]. In other words,
this non-blind fusion is often only an approximation, and