Experimental far-field imaging properties of high
refractive index microsphere lens
Minglei Guo,
Yong-Hong Ye,
* Jinglei Hou,
and Bintao Du
Department of Physics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, Anhui Science and Technology University, Chuzhou 233100, China
*Corresponding author: yeyonghong@njnu.edu.cn
Received May 28, 2015; revised September 8, 2015; accepted October 6, 2015;
posted October 8, 2015 (Doc. ID 241979); published November 16, 2015
The far-field imaging properties of a high index microsphere lens spatially separated from the object are exper-
imentally studied. Our experimental results show that, for a Blu-ray disk whose spacing is 300 nm, the high index
microsphere lens also can discern the patterns of the object sample when the distance between the lens and the
object is up to 5.4 μm. When the distance is increased from 0 to 5.4 μm, for the microsphere lens with a diameter of
24 μm, the lateral magnification increases from 3.5×to5.5×, while the field of view decreases from 5.1 to 3.0 μm. By
varying the distance between the lens and the object, the optical image can be optimized. We also indicate that the
far-field imaging capability of a high index microsphere lens is dependent on the electromagnetic field intensity
profile of the photonic nanojet under different positions of the microsphere lens. © 2015 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (350.3950) Micro-optics; (080.0080) Geometric optics; (180.0180) Microscopy; (220.3630)
Many novel optical properties of a microsphere lens such as
photonic nanojets [1–3], whisper gallery modes [4], Poynting
field [5,6], light compression [7], and super-resolution imaging
[8–17] have been observed. Microsphere-assisted microscopy
is a simple and effective approach to obtain super-resolution
imaging. This technique has the potential to apply label-free
[11] and fluorescent biomedical imaging [12] in real time
under white light illumination. Schwartz et al. have success-
fully obtained single molecule imaging by using a high refrac-
tive index TiO
colloid with a diameter of 2 μm[13]. Lee et al.
have observed near-field focusing and magnification through
a microsphere lens and indicated that there is a connection
between the super-resolution capability of the lens and the
super-strength focus in the near field [14]. Wang et al. have
experimentally demonstrated that a microsphere with a low
refractive index n∼1.46 in the diameter range of 2–9 μm
can be used to collect and magnify subdiffraction limited fea-
tures, and the lateral resolution is up to 50 nm [15]. The micro-
scale spherical lens can capture the subdiffraction limited
details of an object, magnify it, and form a virtual image under-
neath the surface of the microsphere lens by converting the
high spatial frequency components of the evanescent field
into a propagating wave. Recent experiments demonstrate
that, when the low refractive index microsphere lens is semi-
immersed in a liquid droplet, the super-resolution capability
can be reinforced, thus forming a sharper contrast image
[16]. The fully immersed microsphere lens with high refractive
index also can discern the fine structures with a minimum size
of ∼λ∕7, and the field of view (FOV) is large due to the diam-
eter of the imaging microsphere being larger than 100 μm[17].
Studies also show that, when the lens and the object are not
closely contacted, the lens with low refractive index also can
magnify the stripe patterns of the object samples [18,19].
Moreover, a high refractive index microsphere presents many
advantages in prefabrication and location movement because
it can be embedded in transparent solidified films used as
cover slips to observe the samples [10]. Darafsheh et al. have
observed the radiation-induced glioblastoma cells using a high
index microsphere embedded in elastomers [7]. Considering
the application superiority of a high index microsphere,
although the far-field properties of low-index lens are well
studied, the imaging properties of high-index lenses in a far-
field need to be further revealed. In this work, we use a barium
titanate glass (BTG) microsphere with a high refractive index
(n ∼ 1.9) to image the Blu-ray disk (BD) sample. Our experi-
mental results show that, for our object sample with a spacing
of 300 nm, the high-index lens performs novel far-field proper-
ties. When the distance between the microsphere and the sam-
ple is increased from 0 to 5.4 μm, the lateral magnification
increases from 3 .5×to5.5×, and the FOV decreases from
5.1 to 3.0 μm. These properties are different from the proper-
ties of a low index lens. Our results provide an optimization
method to improve the magnification and eliminate the dark
area in the center of the image by keeping the object sample at
an appropriate distance away from the high refractive index
microsphere lens.
Figure 1(a) shows that a ZEISS microscope equipped with mi-
croscope objectives and a CCD camera are used to observe
the object. The microscope works under white-light illumina-
tion with a peak wavelength of 540 nm and reflective mode.
Our object is a commercial BD with its protection layer peeled
off before use. The BD sample consists of 200 nm stripes sep-
arated by 100 nm grooves, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The fine
structures of the BD sample cannot be resolved by a conven-
tional optical microscopy. A layer of SU-8 resist was spin
Guo et al. Vol. 3, No. 6 / December 2015 / Photon. Res. 339
2327-9125/15/060339-04 © 2015 Chinese Laser Press