C 各章课后题答案及解析,对C自学同学的帮助

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Summary: The provided content consists of answers and explanations for the exercises at the end of each chapter in the C programming language. It aims to be helpful for individuals who are self-learning C programming. The content is divided into multiple chapters, and the information provided in this summary pertains to the first chapter. The first chapter includes different types of questions. The first section is the multiple-choice questions. The correct answer for the first question is option B. It is followed by an explanation stating that "typedef," "typeid," and "typename" are all reserved words. The second multiple-choice question's correct answer is option C. The explanation mentions that identifiers should start with a letter or an underscore. The third multiple-choice question's correct answer is option C. The explanation states that identifiers can only have an underscore as a special character. The second section contains fill-in-the-blank questions. The first question's answer is "cin" and "cout," which are used for input and output operations, respectively. The second fill-in-the-blank question's answer is "new" and "delete," which are used for dynamic memory allocation and deallocation. The third section consists of error correction questions. The first error correction question states that the variable "num" has not been defined. The second error correction question involves correcting the declaration of a constant pointer. In conclusion, the provided content offers answers and explanations for the exercises at the end of each chapter in the C programming language. The specific details provided in this summary pertain to the first chapter's questions. It aims to assist individuals who are self-studying C programming.