Wideband Balanced-to-Unbalanced Filtering Power
Dividers Based on Coupled Lines
Xin Gao, Wenjie Feng , Member, IEEE, Wenquan Che, Senior Member, IEEE,
andQuanXue,Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Three novel wideband balanced-to-unbalanced
filtering power dividers based on coupled lines are proposed in
this paper. Multifunctional power dividers can replace various
cascaded single devices to decrease integration mismatching loss
and circuit size. The wideband response can be easily realized by
the coupled lines structures. To further improve the differential-
mode passband selectivity, open/shorted coupled lines and half-
wavelength open stubs are applied to introduce two transmission
zeros near the passband, respectively. In addition, a resistor in
the middle of two single-ended ports can be used to realize
isolation between out ports. To verify the proposed concepts,
three prototypes of wideband balanced-to-unbalanced filtering
power dividers operating at 2 GHz are designed and fabricated
with the 4-dB differential-mode bandwidths of 80.5%, 71.5%, and
80%. All the structures show good performances for differential-
mode out-of-band suppression, common-mode suppression, and
Index Terms—Balanced-to-unbalanced, coupled lines,
differential/common mode, filtering, power dividers, wideband.
ODAY, balanced circuits have become more and more
important in wireless communication systems due to their
higher immunity to environmental noises, lower electromag-
netic interference, and better dynamic range [1], [2]. In the past
few years, different kinds of balanced circuits such as balanced
filters [3], diplexers [4], amplifiers [5], and mixers [6] have
been widely used and studied. In addition, several balanced
power dividers with high isolation have also been reported
in [7]–[9], but the differential-mode 4-dB bandwidth of them
is always less than 25%. Therefore, some wideband balanced
power division networks are introduced. Two balanced net-
works with over the 50% 4-dB bandwidth for the differential-
mode and wideband common-mode suppression are realized in
[10]. To overcome the disadvantage of isolation performance, a
Manuscript received April 12, 2016; revised September 12, 2016; accepted
September 25, 2016. Date of publication October 13, 2016; date of current
version January 26, 2017. This work was supported by the 2012 Distinguished
Young Scientist awarded by the National Natural Science Foundation Com-
mittee of China under Grant 61225001, by the Natural Science Foundation of
China under Grant 61401206 and Grant 61571231, by the Jiangsu Province
under Grant BK20140791, and by the 2014 Zijin Intelligent Program of the
Nanjing University of Science and Technology.
X. Gao, W. Feng, and W. Che are with the Department of
Communication Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and
Technology, Nanjing 210094, China (e-mail: gaoxin03320318@126.com;
fengwenjie1985@163.com; yeeren_che@163.com).
Q. Xue is with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Department
of Electronic Engineering, CityU Shenzhen Research Institute, City University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (e-mail: eeqxue@cityu.edu.hk).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2016.2614668
Fig. 1. (a) Cascade of a wideband balanced filter, a wideband balun, and a
wideband power divider. (b) Wideband balanced-to-unbalanced filtering power
wideband power division network using double-sided parallel
strip line is designed and fabricated to realize high isolation
in [11].
It should be noted that power dividers with a filtering
function have become a hot research topic due to their
multifunction and miniaturization. For the single-ended power
dividers, cascading filtering structure is a simple effective
method while increases circuit size and mismatching loss [12].
To overcome the disadvantage, another main method is to
replace the quarter-wavelength transmission line by bandpass
filters [13]–[15]. Moreover, several balanced filtering power
dividers have also been studied. In [16], a simple structure with
three coupled resonators can realize filtering function with
differential input and output signals. Besides, a compact dual-
band balanced filtering power divider is designed using com-
posite right-/left-handed transmission line metamaterials [17].
However, the isolation between the output ports cannot be
achieved. In [18], a balanced filtering Gysel power divider
with a four-port coupled resonator circuit has good common-
mode suppression and high isolation, but the bandwidth is a
little narrow.
Moreover, besides the balanced-to-balanced power dividers,
balanced-to-unbalanced power dividers also have the function
of common-mode suppression and they have more flexibility
and freedom to connect with single-ended or balanced cir-
cuits. As shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b), a wideband balanced-
to-unbalanced filtering power divider can be fused with a
wideband balanced filter, a wideband balun, and wideband
power divider. Obviously, no cascading circuits can decrease
mismatching loss and circuit size. The first balanced-to-
unbalanced power divider using a short-ended four-wire cou-
pled line and T-shaped sections is proposed in [19], but it has
no filtering function. Recently, two balanced-to-unbalanced
filtering power dividers based on branch lines with several
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