instance, Google Play employs a review system to vet poten-
tially dangerous applications (Oberheide and Miller, 2012).
Despite all these efforts, commercial surve ys still report a large
number of malicious applications attacking the Android
markets. For instance, GData reported nearly half a million new
Android malware in 2015
. More recently, new malwares such
as the BrainTest (
Polkovnichenko and Boxiner , 2015) ha ve suc-
ceeded in infecting ov er half a million Android de vices, targeting
Google Play in particular. Many recent studies have resulted
in a number of automated approaches to tackle the spread of
malware (
Aresu et al., 2015; F eizollah et al., 2013; Narudin et al.,
2016; Tam et al., 2015
). Static analysis techniques, which have
traditionally been used for detecting malware targeting desktop
computers, have recently gained popularity as effective mea-
sures for the protection of mobile applications (
Desnos, 2012).
In particular, static approaches aim at detecting Android
malware by analyzing their permission usage (
Zhang et al.,
), mining their code structures (Suarez-Tangil et al., 2014),
understanding the components they used (
Arp et al., 2014), and
monitoring the APIs they invoked (Aafer et al., 2013; Arp et al.,
2014; Yang et al., 2014
). Inter-process communication is one
of the most notable features of the Android framework as it
allows the reuse of components across process boundaries. It
is used as gateway to access different sensitive services in the
Android framework. In the Android platform, this communi-
cation system is usually driven by a late runtime binding
messaging object known as Intent. Intent objects provide an
abstract definition of the operations an application intends to
The rich semantics encoded in this type of component in-
dicate that Intent could be used to characterize malware. For
instance, the listing in
Table 1 shows an excerpt of Intent actions
used in a legitimate banking application and the actions stipu-
lated in the infected version of the same application. In this
example, it is obvious that the infected version of the appli-
cation is subscribing to a notification service that will be
triggered by the Android OS whenever the BOOT_COMPLETED
event occurs. In addition, SMS_RECEIVED allows the sub-
scriber to access all incoming SMS messages (
Fr atantonio et al.,
2016). While the former action is used by the malware as a form
of evasion, the latter is used to steal the Transaction Autho-
rization Code (TAC) (
Jain, 2015; Jiang and Zhou, 2013).
In this paper, we propose AndroDialysis
, a system that ana-
lyzes two different types of Intent objects, i.e., implicit and
explicit Intents. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
system, we will compare our results with that from a base-
line detection system that uses similar le v el of granularity, and
we will then analyze the permissions usage. In summary, we
make the following contributions in this paper:
1. We propose the use of Android Intents (implicit and ex-
plicit) for detecting Android malware.The usage of Intents
will be extracted from both clean and infected applica-
tions in a dataset containing 7406 applications.
2. We extract permissions used by each application and ev alu-
ate the effectiveness of our approach when compared to
the use of permissions. W e also conduct experiment on com-
bination of Android permission and Android Intent to verify
that they are not overlapping.
3. We also compare the time taken to process permissions and
Intents in our experiments, as it is important to deter-
mine which component of the Android file is faster and more
efficient. Furthermore, we calculated power consumption
of AndroDialysis and compared it with three popular
This paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 explains in
detail Android Intent, and presents a snippet code for im-
plicit and explicit Intents, respectively.
Section 3 discusses the
method of data collection and analysis of the dataset, analyz-
ing the permission and Intent.
Section 4 describes the proposed
system and its various modules and sub-modules. Section 5
presents details of experiments and the results obtained, as
well as evaluation of the proposed system.
Section 6 reviews
related works done by other researchers, and highlights their
weaknesses and strengths.
Section 7 concludes this paper by
summarizing main findings from this research.
2. Android intent
Intent is a complex messaging system in the Android plat-
form, and is considered as a security mechanism to hinder
applications from g aining access to other applications di-
rectly. Applications must have specific permissions to use
Intents. This is a way of controlling what applications can do
once they are installed in Android. Intent-filter – defined in
AndroidManifest.xml file – announces the type of Intent the
application is capable of receiving.
Applications use Intents for intra-application and inter-
application communications. Intra-application communication
takes place inside an application between activities. An Android
application consists of many activities, each referring to buttons,
labels, and texts available on a single page of the application,
with which the user interacts. When interacting with the ap-
plication, the user moves from activity to activity (i.e. from page
to page). Android Intents assist developers in performing in-
teractions among the activities. Furthermore, Intents are used
in pushing data from one activity to another , carrying the results
at the end of any particular activity (
Aftab and Karim, 2014).
Inter-application communication is achieved when appli-
cations send messages or data to other applications through
Intent.The applications should also be able to receive data from
other applications. To receive Intents, applications must define
what type of Intent they accept in the Intent section of
AndroidManifest.xml file, as intent-filter. Many past studies
Chakradeo et al., 2013; Feng et al., 2014; Luoshi et al., 2013)
referred to this type of Intent. The actual communication
between two applications is done through the Binder, which
handles all inter-process communications. The Binder pro-
Android Deep Intent Analysis.
Table 1 – Intent section of clean and infected versions of
Zurich Cantonal Bank application.
Clean version Infected version
122 computers & security 65 (2017) 121–134