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本文主要探讨了在P2P视频点播(Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand, P2P-VoD)系统中提供层次化的查找服务。现有的P2P-VoD系统为了支持随机播放,需要一种高效的方式来寻找满足"最佳"供应商,这里的"最佳"不仅指内容匹配,还包括网络质量匹配。然而,大多数研究倾向于使用分布式哈希表(Distributed Hash Table, DHT)进行内容查找,这种方法在满足网络质量要求和适应视频流媒体特性方面存在不足,因为其开销较大。 针对这一问题,研究人员提出了Mediacoop,一个结合内容和质量匹配的新型层次化查找方案。Mediacoop利用播放位置信息,能够有效地定位到具有所需数据(即内容匹配)的潜在供应商。接着,它在这些候选人中进行进一步的精细查找,以确保网络质量匹配。论文通过理论分析和模拟实验展示了Mediacoop相较于传统的DHT-based方法,能够显著降低跳跃延迟并有效控制开销。 Mediacoop的优势在于其新颖的设计,它解决了P2P-VoD系统中的查找效率和服务质量之间的平衡问题。通过层次结构和针对性的搜索策略,它提高了系统的整体性能,减少了用户在寻找合适供应商时的时间消耗,从而提升了用户的观看体验。这种解决方案对于提高P2P-VoD系统的稳定性和用户体验具有重要意义,对于未来P2P网络架构的优化和实时流媒体服务的发展提供了有价值的参考。

帮我看看这段话有没有语法错误:The first effect of guaranteeing people have basic financial products and services is increasing the overall quality of people’s lives. Ensuring reliable access to financial products and services can contribute to helping families and companies plan the future from two aspects, long-term goals and unexpected emergencies (The World Bank, 2022). Long-term goals mean long-term investments such as investments in health: saving money against illness, saving for a child’s education, saving for a house or car, etc. Unexpected emergencies mean managing risk, that is, people can apply for a loan from the bank when they are in the face of a sudden bankruptcy or business shock. Furthermore, when people meet weather financial shocks, the government and banks will give some financial assistance. With these financial services, people have a basic guarantee of life and a clear plan for the future in the meanwhile. Guarantee of financial services leads them to save a sum of money in a safe bank account for buying a house, providing funds for children’s education, and buying medical insurance for both themselves and their families to prevent the sudden arrival of diseases. In daily life, online payment improves life efficiency such as reducing queuing time. Additionally, in occupational life, financial guarantees can encourage and empower young people can be bolder to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams by providing them with start-up funds from banks. All in all, the guarantee of financial products leads to individuals plan for their financial futures and improve their overall quality of life.

2023-05-05 上传