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"ALL ABOUT DESIGN全关于设计" 是一个针对设计学习者的资源,提供艺术设计概论、构成设计、平面设计、广告设计等重要领域的学习资料。本文将深入探讨品牌视觉传达的重要性和视觉识别系统(VI)在塑造品牌形象中的作用。 在设计领域,品牌视觉传达是构建品牌独特性与辨识度的关键。品牌不仅仅是一个理念或产品,更是一个通过各种视觉元素与消费者沟通的系统。CI系统,即企业形象识别系统,由理念识别(MI)、行为识别(BI)和视觉识别(VI)组成,其中VI是直接面向公众的部分,通过一系列视觉元素如企业标志、标准字体、色彩、象征图案等,形成品牌独特的视觉语言。 视觉识别设计是品牌形象设计的核心,它是品牌对外展示的最直观、最具传播力和感染力的层面。比如,可口可乐的红色波浪线标志和白色飘带,耐克的勾形标志,以及苹果公司的缺口苹果图标,这些都是通过视觉设计深入人心的品牌标识。它们不仅帮助消费者识别品牌,而且在消费者心中建立起强烈的品牌形象。 可口可乐的例子展示了视觉识别在品牌策略中的力量。在导入CI系统之前,可口可乐的形象混乱,易被竞争对手混淆。通过重新设计并统一视觉系统,可口可乐成功地强化了其品牌识别度,使得红白配色成为其标志性特征,并对全球产生了深远影响。 在品牌建设中,视觉识别的统一性和一致性至关重要。这包括企业名称、标志、色彩、字体等基本要素,以及在办公用品、建筑环境、交通工具、服装、广告、产品包装等各方面的应用。一套成功的VI系统能够确保品牌在各种场合下保持一致的视觉呈现,增强品牌的记忆度和影响力。 因此,对于设计师来说,理解和掌握视觉识别设计的原则和技巧是至关重要的。通过创造性的视觉解决方案,设计师可以助力企业建立独特、一致且引人注目的品牌形象,从而在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。在设计过程中,需要考虑品牌的目标市场、文化背景、价值主张,以及如何通过视觉元素传达这些信息,使品牌在消费者心中留下深刻印象。

请阅读下面文字并完成这个数据库的ER图 题目背景以及要求 SirenCD is a digital media company that runs several retail stores that sell CDs to customers. In this coursework, you are asked to design a database for SirenCD to help manage the information of artists, albums, media tracks, and media purchases. The final database must be in 3NF and have no M:N relationships. You will also be asked to write a few queries based on your database design. 数据库设计 The retail stores of SirenCD sell many different CD albums. An album can have one or more soundtracks. Each soundtrack has its track name, release date, genre, length and composer. Each album is associated with an artist. Customers can look up information about all artists, such as date of birth, biography and all his/her albums from the website of the company. The company provides a special service that allows customers to make their own CDs by providing a playlist to the company. These playlists can have tracks from different albums. The selection of soundtracks for these playlists are private to customers and are not visible to others. The price of such a customised CD is the sum of the prices of all soundtracks plus 30. Before being able to make purchases, a customer needs to register an account with the help of a retail store staff. The information needed for registration includes name, phone number, membership card number, address (for delivery, when needed) and the staff id who helped with the registration. The information about staff members consists of the staff id, name, the store he works in and the date of joining the store. After purchasing CDs, the customer will receive an invoice with the list of items he/she purchased. The information of invoices should also be stored in the database. You need to decide what to include in your database.

2023-07-25 上传