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中关村科技广场金融中心工程项目监理规划报告详细描述了工程项目的概况,包括工程概况、建设地点和工程规模。该项目位于中关村西区核心区Ⅳ区的西北角,占地面积1.92公顷,包括D、E、F三个楼座,总建筑面积111818平方米。D座为主体建筑高150米,地下四层,地上35层;E座为全钢结构连廊,长157米,屋顶高40米;F座为配楼,地下三层,地上九层,高40米。D座的结构类型为钢筋砼剪力墙框架体系,地上为...... The report on the supervision plan for the construction of the Financial Center at the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Plaza provides a detailed description of the project, including the project overview, location, and scale. The project is located in the northwest corner of Zone Ⅳ in the core area of the Zhongguancun West District, with a total land area of 1.92 hectares. It consists of three main building structures – D, E, and F – with a total construction area of 111,818 square meters. Building D is the main structure, reaching a height of 150 meters with four underground levels and 35 above-ground levels. Building E is a steel-structured corridor, 157 meters long with a roof height of 40 meters. Building F, the annex building, has three underground levels and nine above-ground levels, reaching a height of 40 meters. Building D's structure is characterized by a reinforced concrete shear wall frame system for the underground levels and..... This comprehensive report outlines the monitoring and supervision plan for the construction of the Financial Center at the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Plaza. It provides a detailed overview of the project and its various components, including the scope, location, and architectural design. The report serves as a valuable resource for project managers, engineers, and stakeholders involved in the construction of the Financial Center, offering a thorough understanding of the project's requirements and specifications. With its detailed descriptions and comprehensive analysis, the report plays a crucial role in ensuring the successful execution of the construction project.