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Due to the advantages of simple structure, low cost, and easy maintenance, electric motors are widely used in various sectors of the national economy. However, due to the variability of power supply conditions and mechanical loads, the failure rate of electric motors is relatively high. This not only damages the motor itself but also affects the entire production process, resulting in significant economic losses. Therefore, the safe operation of electric motors is crucial to ensuring the normal production of enterprises. In this paper, an 8-bit single-chip microcontroller AT89C51 is used as the microprocessor. Firstly, the common faults of three-phase AC induction motors are analyzed. Based on the symmetrical component method, methods for detecting overcurrent amplitude, negative sequence current, and zero sequence current are used to accurately determine the criteria for motor faults. Various protection measures for different types of faults are determined, including short circuit, lock rotor, overheating, negative sequence current, zero sequence current, low voltage, overvoltage, prolonged starting time, frequent starting, motor overload, etc.
Moreover, LED indicator lights and a buzzer are utilized for fault alarms to achieve real-time monitoring and alarms for motor faults. The performance of the protection device is tested in experiments to verify its effectiveness and reliability. A single-chip based three-phase AC induction motor protection device is designed and has achieved good practical results. The research findings of this paper provide some reference and guidance for the design and production of motor protection devices.
Keywords: single-chip microcontroller; motor protection device; fault detection; overload protection; real-time monitoring.
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