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CT technology is a cutting-edge technology that integrates disciplines such as X-ray optoelectronics, informatics, and microelectronics. Because of its advanced non-destructive testing technology, it is widely used in medical, aerospace, and biological fields. With the advancement of technology, image reconstruction technology has begun to be applied to X-rays, representing a significant advancement in digital image processing. The quality of reconstructed images depends on the reconstruction algorithm used. From the perspective of image reconstruction, it mainly consists of analytical methods and iterative methods. Analytical methods use analytical and transformational reconstruction formulas to construct reconstructed images. They are easy to implement, relatively fast, and capable of producing high-quality images, but require high completeness of projection data. Iterative methods use linear equation solving to reconstruct images and are able to obtain high-quality images under conditions of low projection data noise. This paper will analyze these two algorithms from the perspectives of principles, applications, advantages, and disadvantages, with a focus on the filtered back projection algorithm in the analytical method, studying both parallel-beam and fan-beam projection methods. Finally, a combination of Visual C and MATLAB software is used to reconstruct images, and the impact of various parameters on the reconstructed images is analyzed.
Keywords: CT technology, image reconstruction algorithm, filtered back projection algorithm.
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