Figure 2. Example output from our Faster R-CNN bottom-up at-
tention model. Each bounding box is labeled with an attribute class
followed by an object class. Note however, that in captioning and
VQA we utilize only the feature vectors – not the predicted labels.
suppression with an intersection-over-union (IoU) thresh-
old, the top box proposals are selected as input to the second
stage. In the second stage, region of interest (RoI) pooling
is used to extract a small feature map (e.g. 14 ×14) for each
box proposal. These feature maps are then batched together
as input to the final layers of the CNN. The final output of
the model consists of a softmax distribution over class la-
bels and class-specific bounding box refinements for each
box proposal.
In this work, we use Faster R-CNN in conjunction with
the ResNet-101 [13] CNN. To generate an output set of im-
age features V for use in image captioning or VQA, we take
the final output of the model and perform non-maximum
suppression for each object class using an IoU threshold.
We then select all regions where any class detection prob-
ability exceeds a confidence threshold. For each selected
region i, v
is defined as the mean-pooled convolutional
feature from this region, such that the dimension D of the
image feature vectors is 2048. Used in this fashion, Faster
R-CNN effectively functions as a ‘hard’ attention mecha-
nism, as only a relatively small number of image bounding
box features are selected from a large number of possible
To pretrain the bottom-up attention model, we first ini-
tialize Faster R-CNN with ResNet-101 pretrained for clas-
sification on ImageNet [35]. We then train on Visual
Genome [21] data. To aid the learning of good feature
representations, we add an additional training output for
predicting attribute classes (in addition to object classes).
To predict attributes for region i, we concatenate the mean
pooled convolutional feature v
with a learned embedding
of the ground-truth object class, and feed this into an addi-
tional output layer defining a softmax distribution over each
attribute class plus a ‘no attributes’ class.
The original Faster R-CNN multi-task loss function con-
tains four components, defined over the classification and
bounding box regression outputs for both the RPN and the
final object class proposals respectively. We retain these
components and add an additional multi-class loss compo-
nent to train the attribute predictor. In Figure 2 we provide
some examples of model output.
3.2. Captioning Model
Given a set of image features V , our proposed caption-
ing model uses a ‘soft’ top-down attention mechanism to
weight each feature during caption generation, using the
existing partial output sequence as context. This approach
is broadly similar to several previous works [34, 27, 46].
However, the particular design choices outlined below
make for a relatively simple yet high-performing baseline
model. Even without bottom-up attention, our captioning
model achieves performance comparable to state-of-the-art
on most evaluation metrics (refer Table 1).
At a high level, the captioning model is composed of two
LSTM [15] layers using a standard implementation [9]. In
the sections that follow we will refer to the operation of the
LSTM over a single time step using the following notation:
= LSTM(x
, h
) (1)
where x
is the LSTM input vector and h
is the LSTM
output vector. Here we have neglected the propagation of
memory cells for notational convenience. We now describe
the formulation of the LSTM input vector x
and the output
vector h
for each layer of the model. The overall caption-
ing model is illustrated in Figure 3.
3.2.1 Top-Down Attention LSTM
Within the captioning model, we characterize the first
LSTM layer as a top-down visual attention model, and the