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"Go in Practice" 是一本针对Go编程语言实践应用的指南,由Matt Butcher和Matt Farina合著,Brian Ketelsen作序。这本书涵盖了70个实际开发中的技术技巧,专注于如包管理、微服务通信等关键领域。采用问题/解决方案/讨论的结构,基于Go语言的基础概念,提供了在日常应用中可以实施的具体策略。 本书内容包括但不限于以下几个方面: 1. **包管理**:探讨如何有效地组织和管理Go项目中的依赖关系,介绍如何使用标准的`go mod`工具进行版本控制和构建隔离的环境。 2. **错误处理**:讲解Go语言特有的错误处理机制,包括返回错误值和使用`error`类型的实践建议,以及如何编写清晰的错误信息。 3. **并发编程**:深入讲解Go的goroutines和channels,如何利用它们实现高效的并发执行,同时讨论同步和通信的最佳实践。 4. **微服务通信**:讨论如何设计API接口,使用HTTP、gRPC或WebSockets进行服务间通信,以及如何实现安全的身份验证和授权。 5. **测试与调试**:介绍如何编写单元测试和集成测试,使用`go test`工具进行测试覆盖率分析,以及如何有效地调试Go程序。 6. **性能优化**:讨论内存管理和CPU使用,如何进行性能分析,并提供代码优化的策略。 7. **Go语言特性**:解释Go语言的关键特性,如类型系统、接口、反射和类型断言,以及如何充分利用这些特性来编写灵活的代码。 8. **Beego框架应用**:如果标签提及的"beego",可能包含关于这个流行的Go Web框架的章节,介绍如何快速搭建Web应用,以及如何进行模板渲染和路由配置。 9. **部署与持续集成**:介绍如何构建可部署的Go应用,使用Docker容器化,以及如何设置持续集成和持续部署(CI/CD)流程。 10. **社区和工具**:引导读者了解Go的生态系统,包括包仓库、代码审查工具、性能分析工具和其他有助于提高开发效率的资源。 本书适合有一定Go语言基础的开发者,通过实践案例帮助他们提升技能,解决实际开发中遇到的问题。书中提供的每个技巧都配有详细解释和讨论,旨在帮助读者将Go语言的威力充分发挥到实践中。
184 浏览量
Summary Go in Practice guides you through 70 real-world techniques in key areas like package management, microservice communication, and more. Following a cookbook-style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical handbook builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Go may be the perfect systems language. Built with simplicity, concurrency, and modern applications in mind, Go provides the core tool set for rapidly building web, cloud, and systems applications. If you know a language like Java or C#, it's easy to get started with Go; the trick is finding the practical dirt-under-the-fingernails techniques that you need to build production-ready code. About the Book Go in Practice guides you through dozens of real-world techniques in key areas. Following a cookbook-style Problem/Solution/Discussion format, this practical handbook builds on the foundational concepts of the Go language and introduces specific strategies you can use in your day-to-day applications. You'll learn techniques for building web services, using Go in the cloud, testing and debugging, routing, network applications, and much more. After finishing this book, you will be ready to build sophisticated cloud-native Go applications. What's Inside Dozens of specific, practical Golang techniques Using Go for devops and cloudops Writing RESTful web services and microservices Practical web dev techniques About the Reader Written for experienced developers who have already started exploring Go and want to use it effectively in a production setting. About the Authors Matt Farina is a software architect at Deis. Matt Butcher is a Principal Engineer in the Advanced Technology Group at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. They are both authors, speakers, and regular open source contributors. Table of Contents Part 1 Background and fundamentals Chapter 1 Getting into Go Chapter 2 A solid foundation Chapter 3 Concurrency in Go Part 2 Well-rounded applications Chapter 4 Handling errors and panics Chapter 5 Debugging and testing Part 3 An interface for your applications Chapter 6 HTML and email template patterns Chapter 7 Serving and receiving assets and forms Chapter 8 Working with web services Part 4 Taking your applications to the cloud Chapter 9 Using the cloud Chapter 10 Communication between cloud services Chapter 11 Reflection and code generation