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"Getting Started with MariaDB, 2nd Edition - 探索MariaDB的强大功能,通过实践示例" 《Getting Started with MariaDB, 2nd Edition》是针对数据库管理员、开发人员以及对MariaDB感兴趣的初学者的一本指南。这本书深入浅出地介绍了MariaDB这一流行开源数据库管理系统的主要特性和功能,通过实际操作示例帮助读者理解和应用。 MariaDB是由MySQL的创始人创建的一个分支,旨在提供更高的性能、稳定性和安全性。这本书将带你了解以下关键知识点: 1. **安装与配置**:书中会详细介绍如何在不同的操作系统上安装MariaDB,包括设置配置文件、管理服务启动和停止,以及进行基本的安全配置。 2. **SQL基础**:回顾SQL语言基础,如数据类型、表的创建和管理、查询语句(SELECT)、数据插入、更新和删除(INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE)。 3. **数据库设计**:讲解关系数据库理论,如范式理论,以及如何设计高效的数据库模式以优化数据存储和检索。 4. **存储引擎**:MariaDB支持多种存储引擎,如InnoDB(事务处理)和MyISAM(非事务处理)。书里会介绍各种引擎的特点和适用场景。 5. **索引与查询优化**:学习如何创建和使用索引来加速查询,并探讨查询优化器的工作原理,以提升查询性能。 6. **备份与恢复**:了解备份策略,如热备份、冷备份和增量备份,以及如何恢复丢失的数据。 7. **复制与高可用性**:MariaDB的复制功能可以实现数据的实时同步,提高系统的可用性和容错性。书里会讲述复制的配置和维护。 8. **安全与权限**:学习如何设置用户权限,保护数据库免受未经授权的访问,以及最新的安全最佳实践。 9. **性能监控与调优**:通过监控工具分析数据库性能,识别瓶颈,并应用调优技巧来提升系统整体性能。 10. **扩展与集群**:介绍Galera Cluster等高可用性解决方案,用于构建分布式数据库环境。 本书的作者Daniel Bartholomew以其丰富的经验,通过清晰的解释和实例代码,帮助读者快速上手MariaDB并掌握其核心功能。无论你是数据库新手还是寻求进阶知识的专业人士,这本书都将是你宝贵的参考资料。
2014-03-09 上传
Learn how to use MariaDB to store your data easily and hassle-free Overview A step-by-step guide to installing and configuring MariaDB Includes real-world examples that help you learn how to store and maintain data on MariaDB Written by someone who has been involved with the project since its inception In Detail In the modern age, storing data is of paramount importance, and this is where databases enter the picture. MariaDB is a relatively new database that has become very popular in a short amount of time. It is a community-developed fork of MySQL and it is designed to be an enhanced and backward compatible database solution. Getting Started with MariaDB is a practical, hands-on, beginner-friendly guide to installing and using MariaDB. This book will start with the installation of MariaDB before moving on to the basics. You will then learn how to configure and maintain your database with the help of real-world examples. Getting Started with MariaDB literally starts at square one by walking you through the basics of what you need to know about MariaDB. This book will teach you how to install MariaDB as well as how to configure it. Following that, you will then be shown how to secure MariaDB. This book will also teach you common commands and will help you learn how to maintain a MariaDB server. What you will learn from this book Install MariaDB on Windows/RedHat/Fedora/CentOS Linux/Debian/Ubuntu Linux Configure MariaDB to optimize data storage Administer users on MariaDB Learn how to utilize MariaDB to maintain a backup of your data Maintain MariaDB and keep it running smoothly Approach A practical, hands-on, beginner-friendly guide to installing and using MariaDB. Who this book is written for Getting Started with MariaDB is for anyone who wants to learn more about databases in general or MariaDB in particular. No prior database experience is required. It is assumed that you have basic knowledge of software installation, editing files with a text editor, and using the command line and terminal. Product Details Paperback: 100 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing (October 22, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1782168095 ISBN-13: 978-1782168096