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"Data Mining with R - Learning with Case Studies" 是一本由 Luis Torgo 在2011年编著的书籍,属于 Chapman & Hall/CRC 的 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series 系列。这本书旨在教授读者如何使用R语言进行数据挖掘,内容由浅入深,适合初学者以及希望回顾提升的读者。 在数据挖掘领域,R语言以其强大的统计分析能力和丰富的开源库而备受推崇。本书通过案例研究的方式,将理论与实践相结合,帮助读者理解并掌握数据挖掘的各种技术。书中可能涵盖的主题包括: 1. 数据预处理:数据清洗、缺失值处理、异常值检测和特征编码等,这些都是数据挖掘流程中的重要步骤,R语言提供了如`dplyr`和`tidyr`等包来协助这些任务。 2. 描述性统计:R语言可以轻松计算各种统计量,如均值、中位数、标准差等,并绘制图表,帮助我们理解数据的基本特性。 3. 探索性数据分析(EDA):使用散点图、箱线图、直方图等可视化工具,发现数据集中的模式、关联和趋势。 4. 分类算法:包括逻辑回归、决策树、随机森林、支持向量机(SVM)等,R语言中的`caret`包提供了统一的接口来训练和评估这些模型。 5. 聚类分析:如K-means、层次聚类等,R语言中的`cluster`和`fpc`包提供了实现这些方法的函数。 6. 回归分析:用于预测连续变量,R中的`lm`和`glm`函数是进行线性和广义线性回归的主要工具。 7. 关联规则学习:如Apriori算法,用于发现数据中的“如果-那么”规则,`arules`包提供了关联规则挖掘的功能。 8. 矩阵分解:在理解复杂数据集时,如主成分分析(PCA)、奇异值分解(SVD)等矩阵分解技术能够降低数据的维度,帮助我们发现潜在结构。 9. 特征选择:通过计算相关性、卡方检验、互信息等方法,筛选出对模型预测最有贡献的特征。 10. 模型评估和选择:使用交叉验证、ROC曲线、AUC值等指标评估模型性能,并进行模型选择。 11. 集成学习:如bagging、boosting和随机森林,这些方法通过结合多个弱模型构建强模型,R的`caret`和`xgboost`包提供了实现。 12. 深度学习:尽管本书出版时深度学习尚未像现在这样普及,但R语言也有如`keras`和`tensorflow`等库支持神经网络和深度学习。 此外,书中可能还涵盖了数据挖掘的实际应用,如市场篮子分析、客户细分、信用评分模型等,以及如何在R中实现这些解决方案。通过案例研究,读者可以更好地理解和应用所学知识,解决实际问题。 "Data Mining with R - Learning with Case Studies"是一本全面介绍如何利用R语言进行数据挖掘的书籍,它不仅介绍了理论概念,还提供了丰富的实例,使得读者能够系统地学习并掌握这一领域的核心技能。


ata Mining with R: Learning with Case Studies, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series) by Luis Torgo 2017 | ISBN: 1482234890 | English | 446 pages | PDF | 47 MB Data Mining with R: Learning with Case Studies, Second Edition uses practical examples to illustrate the power of R and data mining. Providing an extensive update to the best-selling first edition, this new edition is divided into two parts. The first part will feature introductory material, including a new chapter that provides an introduction to data mining, to complement the already existing introduction to R. The second part includes case studies, and the new edition strongly revises the R code of the case studies making it more up-to-date with recent packages that have emerged in R. The book does not assume any prior knowledge about R. Readers who are new to R and data mining should be able to follow the case studies, and they are designed to be self-contained so the reader can start anywhere in the document. The book is accompanied by a set of freely available R source files that can be obtained at the book’s web site. These files include all the code used in the case studies, and they facilitate the "do-it-yourself" approach followed in the book. Designed for users of data analysis tools, as well as researchers and developers, the book should be useful for anyone interested in entering the "world" of R and data mining. About the Author Luís Torgo is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Porto in Portugal. He teaches Data Mining in R in the NYU Stern School of Business’ MS in Business Analytics program. An active researcher in machine learning and data mining for more than 20 years, Dr. Torgo is also a researcher in the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis (LIAAD) of INESC Porto LA.
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