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"Applying UML and Patterns(第二版) 是一本经典的 UML 教程,适合从初级到专家级别的学习者,重点在于如何有效运用 UML,而非仅停留在理论的晦涩层面。这本书覆盖了 UML(统一建模语言)、OOA(面向对象分析)和 OOD(面向对象设计)的相关内容。" 在本书中,作者引入了Sample Unified Process(样本统一过程),这是一个用于软件开发的迭代方法,强调了不同阶段之间的艺术作品(Artifacts)和时间安排(Timing)。例如,Inception(构思)、Elaboration(细化)、Construction(构建)和Transition(过渡)这四个迭代阶段,每个阶段都有其特定的任务和目标。 1. Inception(构思)阶段:在这个阶段,主要创建Business Modeling(业务建模)和Domain Model(领域模型)。Business Modeling帮助理解业务流程,而Domain Model则描绘了系统的核心概念和关系。此外,还会制定Vision(愿景)文档,定义项目的目标和范围,以及Supplementary Specification(补充规格说明)和Glossary(词汇表)。 2. Elaboration(细化)阶段:这个阶段进一步细化Use-Case Model(用例模型),并开始设计Design Model(设计模型)和Software Architecture Document(软件架构文档)。同时,Data Model(数据模型)也开始形成,用于定义系统的数据结构。 3. Construction(构建)阶段:此阶段专注于Implementation Model(实现模型)的开发,包括编写代码和测试。Project Management(项目管理)也非常重要,如SW Development Plan(软件开发计划),确保项目的进度和质量。 4. Transition(过渡)阶段:测试Model(测试模型)在此阶段得到验证,确保软件符合预期。同时,Development Case(开发案例)记录了开发过程,供后期参考。 书中还提到了Use Cases(用例)和System Sequence Diagrams(系统顺序图),如"Process Sale",它展示了客户购买商品的过程。通过Use Cases,我们可以明确系统必须支持的操作,如"make NewSale()"。而System Sequence Diagrams则详细描绘了这些操作的执行顺序,比如"Register",它需要输入商品ID和数量,通过调用Product Catalog获取规格,然后添加到销售单中。 设计模型与领域模型紧密相连,领域中的概念类(conceptual classes in the domain)启发了设计中的软件类命名。例如,"makeNewSale()" 方法是用例"New Sale"的实现,它涉及了"ProductCatalog"和"Sale"等概念,反映了设计是如何从需求中派生出来的。 "Applying UML and Patterns(第二版)"提供了全面的UML实践指南,不仅讲解了UML的符号和图表,还展示了如何将这些工具应用于实际的面向对象分析和设计中,从而帮助读者掌握高效开发软件的方法。

帮我看看这段话有没有语法错误:The first effect of guaranteeing people have basic financial products and services is increasing the overall quality of people’s lives. Ensuring reliable access to financial products and services can contribute to helping families and companies plan the future from two aspects, long-term goals and unexpected emergencies (The World Bank, 2022). Long-term goals mean long-term investments such as investments in health: saving money against illness, saving for a child’s education, saving for a house or car, etc. Unexpected emergencies mean managing risk, that is, people can apply for a loan from the bank when they are in the face of a sudden bankruptcy or business shock. Furthermore, when people meet weather financial shocks, the government and banks will give some financial assistance. With these financial services, people have a basic guarantee of life and a clear plan for the future in the meanwhile. Guarantee of financial services leads them to save a sum of money in a safe bank account for buying a house, providing funds for children’s education, and buying medical insurance for both themselves and their families to prevent the sudden arrival of diseases. In daily life, online payment improves life efficiency such as reducing queuing time. Additionally, in occupational life, financial guarantees can encourage and empower young people can be bolder to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams by providing them with start-up funds from banks. All in all, the guarantee of financial products leads to individuals plan for their financial futures and improve their overall quality of life.

2023-05-05 上传