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资源摘要信息:"Mastering Ansible 第三版是由Packt出版的关于Ansible自动化工具的权威指南。本书专注于Ansible 2.7版本,旨在帮助读者掌握自动化配置管理和部署的挑战。Ansible作为一款自动化引擎,其简单性和强大的功能使其在DevOps领域中变得不可或缺。本书深入探讨了Ansible的核心工作原理,提供了大量实践案例和详细说明,帮助读者有效地管理和使用自动化任务。 本书的主要内容包括: 1. Ansible基础:涵盖了Ansible的工作原理,包括它的架构、组件以及如何使用Ansible进行自动化任务的基本步骤。 2. Ansible剧本执行:深入讲解了如何通过剧本(Playbook)来定义自动化任务,以及如何利用变量、循环、条件语句来扩展剧本的功能。 3. 高级剧本特性:介绍如何利用Ansible剧本的高级特性,例如角色(Roles)、任务调度(Handlers)、块(Blocks)以及故障处理等。 4. 安全性与加密:详细介绍了如何在Ansible剧本中使用加密数据,确保敏感信息的安全性。 5. 调试与故障排除:提供了如何使用Playbook调试器和Ansible控制台来有效解决自动化过程中遇到的问题。 6. 云集成与容器技术:介绍了如何与各种云基础架构提供商以及容器系统(如Docker和Kubernetes)进行集成。 7. 自定义模块与插件:指导如何开发自定义模块和插件,以及如何创建动态清单来扩展Ansible的自动化能力。 8. 扩展功能:包括各种Ansible扩展功能的使用,如策略插件、回调插件等,以及如何根据需要进行定制。 本书代码示例的组织方式如下: - 所有的代码示例都按照章节组织在相应的文件夹中,例如“Chapter01”文件夹。 - 每个文件夹中包含实际的Ansible剧本文件和相关配置文件,如playbooks、inventory文件等。 - 示例代码以脚本形式展示,用于演示如何执行特定的Ansible命令和自动化任务。 本书适合想要提升自动化技能的系统管理员、DevOps工程师以及任何对Ansible感兴趣的IT专业人士。通过阅读本书,读者将能够深入理解Ansible,并能够有效地利用它来自动化复杂的工作流程和系统部署任务。如果您对自动化感兴趣,希望提高工作效率,那么这本书无疑是一个不错的选择。"
2016-12-23 上传
Design, develop, and solve real world automation and orchestration needs by unlocking the automation capabilities of Ansible About This Book Discover how Ansible works in detail Explore use cases for Ansible's advanced features including task delegation, fast failures, and serial task execution Extend Ansible with custom modules, plugins, and inventory sources Who This Book Is For This book is intended for Ansible developers and operators who have an understanding of the core elements and applications but are now looking to enhance their skills in applying automation using Ansible. What You Will Learn Understand Ansible's code and logic flow Safeguard sensitive data within Ansible Access and manipulate complex variable data within Ansible playbooks Handle task results to manipulate change and failure definitions Organize Ansible content into a simple structure Craft a multi-tier rollout playbook utilizing load balancers and manipulating your monitoring system Utilize advanced Ansible features to orchestrate rolling updates with almost no service disruptions Troubleshoot Ansible failures to understand and resolve issues Extend Ansible with custom modules, plugins, or inventory sources In Detail Automation is critical to success in the world of DevOps. How quickly and efficiently an application deployment can be automated, or a new infrastructure can be built up, can be the difference between a successful product or a failure. Ansible provides a simple yet powerful automation engine. Beyond the basics of Ansible lie a host of advanced features which are available to help you increase efficiency and accomplish complex orchestrations with ease. This book provides you with the knowledge you need to understand how Ansible works at a fundamental level and leverage its advanced capabilities. You'll learn how to encrypt Ansible content at rest and decrypt data at runtime. You will master the advanced features and capabilities required to tackle the complex automation chal
2017-04-02 上传
Mastering Ansible - Second Edition by Jesse Keating English | 30 Mar. 2017 | ASIN: B01N5HQ2AE | 310 Pages | AZW3 | 11.56 MB Key Features Learn how to extend Ansible with custom modules, plugins, and inventory sources Utilize advanced Ansible features to orchestrate rolling updates with little to no service disruptions An up-to-date book that brings to light the newly added features in Ansible 2.x Book Description This book provides you with the knowledge you need to understand how Ansible 2.1 works at a fundamental level and leverage its advanced capabilities. You'll learn how to encrypt Ansible content at rest and decrypt data at runtime. You will master the advanced features and capabilities required to tackle the complex automation challenges of today and beyond. You will gain detailed knowledge of Ansible workflows, explore use cases for advanced features, craft well thought out orchestrations, troubleshoot unexpected behaviour, and extend Ansible through customizations. Finally, you will discover the methods used to examine and debug Ansible operations, helping you to understand and resolve issues. By the end of the book, the readers will be able to unlock the true power of the Ansible automation engine and will tackle complex real world actions with ease. What you will learn Gain an in-depth understanding of how Ansible works under the covers Fully automate the Ansible playbook executions with encrypted data Access and manipulate variable data within playbooks Use Blocks to construct failure recovery or cleanup Explore the Playbook debugger and Ansible Console Troubleshoot unexpected behavior effectively Work with cloud infrastructure providers and container systems Develop custom modules, plugins, and dynamic inventory sources About the Author Jesse Keating is an accomplished Ansible user, contributor, and presenter. He has been an active member of the Linux and open source community for over fifteen years. He has first-hand experience with a variety of IT activities, software development, and large-scale system administration. He has presented at numerous conferences and meet-ups, and has written many articles on a variety of topics. Table of Contents System Architecture and Design of Ansible Protecting Your Secrets with Ansible Unlocking the Power of Jinja2 Templates Controlling Task Conditions Composing Reusable Ansible Content with Roles Minimizing Downtime with Rolling Deployments Troubleshooting Ansible Extending Ansible Infrastructure Provisioning