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的life like to work with their exclusive software. With the development of the Internet to this point, people have found that they cannot live without the Internet. The emergence of new technologies often solves the drawbacks of old technologies. Because traditional campus part-time job information management is difficult, low fault tolerance, and requires a lot of effort and time for management personnel to process data, a campus part-time job management system specifically designed to solve this problem has been developed, which can solve many problems.
The campus part-time job management system for college students is divided into administrators and users according to the operation subject. The functions of the administrator include dictionary management, forum management, announcement management, part-time job management, part-time job collection management, part-time job message management, part-time job application management, merchant management, user management, and administrator management. Users have their own functions, etc. The system uses technologies such as MySQL database, Java language, and Spring Boot framework for programming implementation. The campus part-time job management system for college students can improve the efficiency of solving the problems of campus part-time job information management for college students, optimize the campus part-time job information processing process, and ensure the security of campus part-time job information data. It is a very reliable and secure application.
Keywords: college student campus part-time job management system; MySQL database; Java language.
Keywords: WeChat mini program; book borrowing and returning; Spring Boot; MySQL database.
2024-12-07 上传
2024-04-10 上传